Saturday, April 24, 2010

Feed me some Jit

It's been a while since my last Feedjit post.. (just check out the posts under the labels 'Feedjit' on the right bars) and I've received hundreds of keywords that people type that sent them to my page. Some of them were interesting..and yet, still I don't get why they'd ever type that, and why in the world they'd ever come across my page.

"ADA YANG TAHU GAK SIH PINSET ITU APA?" <-- ya elah..masa pinset aja ga tau sih...itu yang anak gadis pake...sebelum akhirnya dia pake

"anak gaul gogirl" <-- ngapain sih nyari anak gaul gogirl di internet segala? nih buka aja di sini dia temen gue, anak gowl gogirl abes.

"diet artis-artis korea" <-- haduh...ngapain sih diet artes-artes korea diikutin..mereka tuh cuma makan kimchi sama ketimun sepanjang tahun...sama sup ginseng lah sekali-kali...kalian kuat? mending diet ala indonesia aja deh..urapan ama lalap.

"bercinta dengan makhluk gaib" <-- again?? what kind of freak are you? seriously.

"hanny cewek idola" <-- makasih loh, makasih.

"wanitapalingcantiksedunia" <-- AGAIN, thanks a lot. What have you all heard about me sih sebetulnya? I'm not that cantik kok sebenernya, suer.

"arti gerak epirogenesa dan orogenesa" <-- nah sekarang ini, seriusan, gue ga pernah ngebahas beginian deh. I'm not that geek.

"lagu tanpa ada suara vokalisnya" <-- lah apaan dong? instrumen doang gitu? atau kayak imagine-nya Glee yang versi isyarat?

Hmm..segitu dulu deh..sampai jumpa di Feedjit post yang berikutnya! Godspeed.


Okay...I know..maybe it's too late for the whole Eclipse euphoria...but better late than never! Can't wait for June 30th!

not a huge fan of the poster. Boooooorrriiiinnnngg.

Her face was always like this. Yet I'm always fascinated to see her act -_-

Another "Please Jacob Please Edward" face.

Wheeww....the A-team time.


Tribute To A Friend #1

Beby circa 2008

She's one of my longest friend. We've befriended since we just started learn how to crawl, I suppose. Since we were neighbours, our parents introduced us, but we started to really get close to each other when we got into the same elementary school. Long live SDN Kebon Jeruk 11 Pagi! Yeah! (how dogmatic of me nyahahah)

So the story was, she used to hate me so much, cause I was always smarter than her (NYAHAHAHA, still am bebi, still am). Nobody ever taught me how to read, yet at the age 4 I was already able to read the whole newspaper by myself (seeing how odong and lazy I am now, it's hard to think that I was THAT genius bahakhakha okaaayy enough with the backdoor bragging). So when I came to her house to play monopoly, petak umpet, or whatever it was, her mother always shove the fact that I was such a whiz kid in front of her face. "Look at Hanny, Beby! (me reading the elementary PPKn book) Try to be more like her! She can already read the whole book, yet you can barely spell a word!"

That was so 'Ha! In your face!' moment for me, but as a cute and cool five years old I managed to look as innocent as the picture of harp-playing baby angel on the cover of christmas postcard.
Later, we got a 'Gang of Four'. I, Beby, Tami, and the only boy in the gang, Arfie. We used to play everyday in the afternoon, before nap time around 4 pm. Our most visited house was Beby's. Cause they got everything there. Snacks, Sega (yeah, SEGA), monopoly, badminton rackets, and all other things children could ever imagine of together under one roof (hahaha lebay). Between the four of us, Beby was the most spoiled and the most annoying 5 year old ever lived. She HATES to lose in games, and she would do everything in her power (when I say power, as in, well, it was HER house, and HER boardgames, etc. So she had the power, literally. Or so she thought nyahaha) to make us lose. And, we oftenly did. But we always get the last laugh cause then, we would talked about her behind her back, and do what we children called as 'musuhan.' With the whole blowing the thumb, not talking to her, and all. Hahaha, cool aiyt??
Growing up, Beby was always the beautiful one. She took all the prettiest boys in my el school! Hahaha. And she wasn't even that nice to people! She was a stingy, self-centered barbie! But I guess that's why men married bitches....yeah.... -__-

Growing up I also kinda hate her, but I would always forgive her. Cause then again she was my closest friend! (literally, she lives just 8 houses away from me)
In junior high, we were sooooo crazy about Ada Apa Dengan Cinta. We made a diary that'd we would put posts together every once in a while (hell, we still do it every now and then, left the book in my dormroom). And we would name ourselves Cinta, Alya, Karmen, Maura, Milly. Beby, of course, was always Cinta. I would get Milly cause I was the funniest. (backdoooorr braaaagiiinnn)
Oh how I miss those times!

As we got older there were still some clashes between us, but idk why, me and our other two friends Hilma and Ika, just can't get separated. We just can never stand it. And ever since she met this guy, subject M, I can feel the change in her. She's turned into a more mature girl, and she's got this vibe and friendly soul in her that makes people just wanna be her friend (awwwweeee me so sweet ya beb?). Unlike me, who can always see the bad in people that kinda makes me hold back from new people. She can always get me (mmmm you do, don't you Beb?), although lately we don't meet very often. I spend most of my weekdays in Depok, she's in Puri.

I really enjoyed being her friend (well of course I do, if I don't I wouldn't post something like this, would I?). I hope our friendship won't blossom like a rose because rose can be withered, but it will stay strong like weeds. You can never get rid of weeds, no matter how hard you try, unless you whip out the roots. And the roots, is in our hearts. Over our dead body! (okay Imma stop writing before it gets too sweet, it'd hurt your teeth)


PS: I actually wanted to post some photos of Beby circa 2002 when we just started out in junior high, but she has deleted hers from Friendster! Booohhooo! You suck. She had the culun bob and all. Me the masteng belah tengah hasil papan salon tante Tuti.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Gue kagum. Kagum dengan orang-orang yang punya hal mereka masing-masing. Orang yang sangat terobsesi dengan teater. Orang yang sangat terobsesi dengan kamera. Orang yang terobsesi dengan musik. Orang yang terobsesi dengan komputer. Orang yang terobsesi dengan mobil. Dan orang-orang yang terobsesi dengan hal-hal lainnya sampai-sampai kalau untung bisa menjadi lahan bisnis. Orang-orang ini adalah orang-orang yang sangat terberkati. Karena lo tahu kenapa? Hidup tanpa obsesi itu SANGAT LAME. Contohnya saya. Percayalah, hidup saya amat sangat pathetic. Hobby-less, obsession-less. Bukan, bukan berarti saya merasa tidak bersyukur. Ingat Tuhan udah ngasih kamu kehidupan blablablab...naaahhh, you're cliche dude.

I mean everyone is never someone without one thing they're really good at. Misalnya, I have a friend. And this particular friend really liked taking pictures until he become very good at it, bought his very first SLR camera, and the rest followed. And one friend was really obsessed with computers and the way they work, and he learned the whole mechanism secara otodidak.

Yah, kurang lebih begitulah. I used to have an obsession. Some, in fact. But I'd never really follow up to any of it (well, accept for my weird devotion to Grey's, Dexter, FNL, True Blood, The Mentalist, etc, but I really can't say that's the thing I'm good at. Watching TV series. Yeah, how cool). The thing is, I don't really know what I am exactly good at. And no one's bothered to tell me. So I'm feeling really lame now. And fat. And lazy. And lame. I even start to suck in writing. Again, it USED to be one of the few things I'm good at.

I was also kinda good in reading. I could read a good, heavy book, in two couple hours. Now I just don't have the money and the time to read. And all books seem kinda suck to me now (mostly caused by the price nyahaha). Please please please God of Books..give us this day our daily read.... ;(


Thursday, April 15, 2010


Ucapan seorang teman agak membuat saya terhenyak kemarin.
"Apa yang lo ketahui tentang FIB?"

Hmm..FIB ya..sebuah gedung..tempat para mahasiswa/i sastra bernaung..sebuah fakultas tempat para mahasiswa/i belajar..ya bukan?

"Kalo ga tahu apa-apa kok lo bisa ikutan jadi panitia FIB Nyeni?"

Hmm...ya demi sahabat saya yang kebetulan penanggung jawab bagian publikasi acara ini...sesederhana itu.

"Wah kayaknya lo mesti belajar lebih banyak tentang FIB deh"
"Oh memang apa relevansi antara menjadi panitia FIB Nyeni dan tahu lebih banyak tentang FIB deh? Lantas dengan tahu banyak tentang FIB acara bisa sukses?"
"Wah pemikiran lo anak zaman sekarang banget ya. Acara sukses lantas panitia bubar semua bubar, gitu?
"Ya..habis mau gimana lagi?"

Ternyata kesewotan teman saya ini beralasan. Dimulai ketika saya dengan sederhananya (tidak, saya menolak menggunakan kata bodoh) bertanya "Apaan tuh MID?" Ternyata MID adalah program studi D3nya jurusan Ilmu Perpustakaan.

Kalau menurut teman saya ini sih..FIB sedang mengalami degradasi integritas. Angkatan 2006 ke atas, sekali lagi, menurut teman saya yang satu ini, amatlah erat, sangat akrab layaknya kakak beradik. Sementara mulai 2007 ke bawah mulai aneh-aneh.

"Lah lantas bagaimana dong, apa kita mau saling bersapa di jalan hanya dengan modal muka tanpa tahu nama?"

Ya justru itu, itulah yang membuat angkatan atas begitu erat. Tidak tahu nama tapi saling tegur asalkan tahu sesama anak FIB. Kalau angkatan yang sekarang-sekarang ini, tidak kenal siapa-siapa, tidak tahu siapa-siapa, udah sok-sokan ikut banyak kegiatan.

Oke ini agak baru dan aneh bagi saya. Orang zaman sekarang, kalau tidak disapa kita dibilang sombong, tapi kalau disapa bisa-bisa kita dibilang sok kenal. Mengapa bukan atas yang merangkul? Ingin merangkul nanti kehilangan wibawa, tidak merangkul dibilang senioritas. Ingin jadi kupu-kupu dibilang anak anti sosial, tapi keseringan nongkrong nanti tugas tidak selesai. Saya tidak mau membandingkan jurusan saya dengan jurusan lain, tapi jangan pernah membandingkan jurusan saya dengan jurusan lain sampai anda sendiri jago membaca huruf Cina.

Mendengar cerita teman saya ini saya jadi patah semangat, jadi selama ini usaha saya mempromosikan acara FIB Nyeni yang katanya acara bersama anak FIB UI ini cuma/kemungkinan dipandang beberapa pihak sebagai tindakan sok asik belaka? Apakah begitu?

Mungkin ibaratnya kalau di The Sims, game favorit saya, aspirasi orang itu berbeda-beda. Mungkin ada beberapa yang aspirasinya Popularity, ada yang aspirasinya Fortune, tapi kalau saya sendiri sih aspirasinya Knowledge. Memang penting sih bergaul, buka link sana-sini, tapi ada orang yang bisa begitu, ada yang tidak. Ada yang bisa sukses dengan cara seperti itu, ada yang tidak. Bukan begitu bukan?

Apa kata dunia?

Ah sudahlah, maaf kalau ada beberapa perkataan saya yang menyinggung hati, sudah jam delapan malam nih sudah waktunya saya tidur. Eh maksud saya, mengerjakan tugas. Godspeed.