Thursday, December 22, 2011

Lelehkan Hatiku Menjadi Batu

Right under my feet is air made of bricks
Pulls me down turns me weak for you
I find myself repeating like a broken tune
And I'm forever excusing your intentions
And I give in to my pretendings
Which forgive you each time
Without me knowing
They melt my heart to stone

And I hear your words that I made up
You say my name like there could be an us
I best tidy up my head I'm the only one in love
I'm the only one in love

Each and every time I turn around to leave
I feel my heart begin to burst and bleed
So desperately I try to link it with my head
But instead I fall back to my knees
As you tear your way right through me
I forgive you once again
Without me knowing
You've burnt my heart to stone

And I hear your words that I made up
You say my name like there could be an us
I best tidy up my head I'm the only one in love
I'm the only one in love

Why do you steal my hand
Whenever I'm standing my own ground
You build me up, then leave me dead

Well I hear your words you made up
I say your name like there should be an us
I best tidy up my head I'm the only one in love
I'm the only one in love

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My Thanksgiving Speech

It's almost year-end, and I can't believe all the stuff I've been through this year. Lost my laptop due to my brother's house robbery. My friend's cellphone got nicked when I was borrowing it. Got elected as the head of Ikatan Mahasiswa Sinologi. Meeting new wonderful people from Teater UI and got involved in their big play "Perempuan Pilihan Dewa." Welcoming our new family, Sastra Cina 2011.

And last but not least..had my major won the title of Juara Umum Festival Budaya UI 2011! A total woohoo experience for me and my family of Sastra Cina. There's been a lot of ups and downs this year.

I already have a family, but now it feels like I have a lot of families! I can never be thankful enough to God for sending all these wonderful people to me. Godspeed! <3

The music team in Perempuan Pilihan Dewa

Juara Umum Festival Budaya UI 2011!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

King and Queen of Confusion

Di google translate, galau = confusion. Oke mungkin gue akan ubah jadi kata sifat yaitu confused. And, no other singer is ever more confused than....ADELE. Congrats Adele, you are the Queen of Confusion. Along with John Mayer as the King.

"I heard that your dreams came true. Guess she gave you things I didn't give to you. I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited, but I couldn't stay away I couldn't fight it, I hope you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded that for me it isn't over."

"It's really over, you made your stand. You got me cryin as was your plan, but when my loneliness is through, I'm gonna find another you."

Monday, November 14, 2011

Omalele! A Sweet Escape

Club Med Bali tampak atas. Yang bangunan bulet di tengah-tengah itu main barnya.

Hello folks! Post kali ini gue akan membicarakan suatu hal yang basi, yaitu cerita summer job gue di Bali. Mungkin waktu itu gue udah pernah cerita ke kalian semua secara singkat tentang pekerjaan magang gue di Bali selama 1 bulan. Kali ini gue akan membahas secara detail sekaligus berbagi pengalaman ke kalian semua.

Tawaran bekerja magang di Club Med datang pada bulan Juni 2011, saat-saat liburan musim panas. Caranya mudah, tinggal kirim CV dan surat lamaran ke HR Club Med di Jakarta, terus lanjut interview. Salah satu teman gue bahkan hanya

ikut interview aja dan langsung dikirim ke Bali. Well, the thing is, in summer and winter holiday they're really packed with guests so they need a lot of interns real bad. Especially interns for Mini Club, salah satu fasilitas yang mereka miliki.

Kasarnya, Mini Club atau MC bisa disebut sebagai tempat nitipin anak para orangtua yang berlibur di sana. Tapi nggak juga sih. CM already provide baby sitters service for that matter. Untuk mendefinisikan MC itu fasilitas yang seperti apa, mungkin lebih tepat kalo dibilang kita itu semacam taman kanak-kanak. MC udah punya jadwal pasti setiap harinya kegiatan apa saja yang harus diikuti anak-anak yang lagi dititipin.

Akhirnya setelah mengikuti prosedur yang berlaku, gue pun dikirim bekerja di Club Med Bali sesuai dengan availibility dates yang gue ajukan, 4 Agustus-4 September. Begitu sampai di sana, gue dan tiga teman UI lainnya, -Andre, Ncek, dan Nadhira- langsung disambut oleh assistant manager MC Bali, Haruka. Doi orang Jepang item manis yang sering banget ngomong 'Ne?' dengan logat khas Jepangnya.

Lobi Club Med Bali. Belok kiri terus ada tangga naik ke teras kecil, nah itu dia tempat Haruka menyambut kami.

Mini Club!

Kami berempat, para Intern GOs (GO itu sebutan buat para karyawan di sana, Gentils Organisateur) baru yang lugu dan polos dibawa keliling kampung. Yeah their concept is somewhat calling the resort 'village', because CM is not an ordinary resort. Here, you don't just come and stay and spend your holiday, but you also get to gain new friends and family. Like you do when you stay in a village. Di bar, kita semua mesen milkshake coklat, dan langsung diketawain sama Manou, bartender asal Mauritius atau Prancis. Entahlah, di sini batas nationality jadi amat kabur.

Di CM, kerjaan gue tiap hari adalah ngejagain bocah-bocah umur 4-7 tahun (kadang switch ke 8-10 sih, fleksibel aja), berenang, makan, main game (archery, basket, mini golf, tennis, etc), mini club show or events, dan seterusnya. Gitu aja diulang-ulang terus tiap hari. Saat lagi ga shift di MC, gue dan para GO lainnya harus melakukan yang namanya GM Contact. Apakah GM Contact itu? Kita tanya Galileo. GM itu sebutan mereka untuk tamu. The point is you have to look for GM yang keliatannya lagi nganggur, nyapa mereka, duduk bareng dan ajak ngobrol. Mungkin kedengaran aneh, but that's just their concept. Their trademark. Their blablabla.

Malamnya, nonton show, ngurusin bocah2 lagi, dan ga jarang kita para GO yang do the heavyliftings alias angkat2 barang. Belom pernah kan angkat-angkat meja yang kayak di taman kanak-kanak gitu plus bangku-bangkunya dalam sekali angkat (gue dan Ncek menyebutnya posisi burger :D), pake high heels + dress, sejauh kira-kira setengah kilo? But I gotta tell you, it gave me a total hiiiigh! Belum lagi kalau responsible clean up main show. Angkat-angkat stage segede-gede gaban bukan masalah lagi bagi para GO. Ga ada perbedaan antara GO cowok atau cewek. Semua pasti bakal kebagian beberes.

Yang pasti menjalani hari di sana, kalau tanpa ditemani teman-teman dan orang-orang yang luar biasa, pasti bakal bikin gue gila. Thanks God for all the wonderful people I met there. Gue mau banget balik lagi ke Club Med, tapi bukan sebagai GO, maunya sebagai GM :P

Kerja di Club Med bikin gue pengen mencari lagi sesuatu yang susah. Bagi gue sendiri magang di Club Med, meskipun amat singkat, tapi gue merasa setelahnya gue pasti bisa get through almost anything. Ga kebayang deh jadi GO contract yang kerja di sana berbulan-bulan atau bahkan bertahun-tahun. To put on that smile, no matter what you are going through, for me is tough, and the people who can survive there are cougars, coyotes, lions, or whatever other cool wild animals, you name it.

Bangunan kamar. Kamarnya biasa aja sih. Mereka lebih menekankan di keistimewaan konsep resornya itu sendiri.

Poolside yang sumpah enak banget buat nongkrong. Kadang setelah jam kerja gue sama Ncek suka rebahan aja tiduran di salah satu dipannya sambil menatap bintang-bintang Nusa Dua *tsaaaahh*

Beach Bar tempat gue nongkrongin Takuto di hari-hari terakhir gue kerja. Takuto ini bartender Jepang yang kece tapi pemalas. Hahaha. Dan asli, tiduran di salah satu dipan di pinggir pantainya bikin ga pengen kemana-mana.

Gang kamar para GO magang. Ironis ya kalau dibandingin dengan bagian depannya Club Med yang bagusnya ampun-ampunan. Kita nyebut gang ini gang Dolly. Gimana nggak, di sini kebanyakan cewek jadi mondar-mandir cuma handukan bahkan beha+kolor doang uda jadi hal yang biasa. Cowo-cowo yang cuma 2 biji harus bersabar.

Moto utama para GO: Work hard, party hard! Habis of kerja jam 12 malem, bakal ada aja yang ngajakin ke Kuta. Biasanya kalau besoknya day off atau shift B yang masuknya jam 11, gue selalu mau ikut. :D

Abis kerja jam 12, kalau lagi iseng, hangout in front of the night club yang buka jam 12-2 pagi.
Ini kabogohan aing pas magang di Club Med :D Kevin Zhao, Assistant Manager Bar,Virgo, 37, and married. Tapi gue tetep naksir <3 Kata Andre kalau lagi di bar dia galak, tapi biasanya sama cewek-cewek nggak tuh, apalagi yang Chinese speaker. Hihihi.

Ini dia nih yang tercakep seClubMed Bali..Olivier! Wakil kepala kampung, baik dan ramah setengah mati, beda banget ama P*** tuh -__- (oke kayaknya ini internal hehe)

Sheba has the smile that could brighten up the whole room. In my last days there, she and Okta terus menerus ngomelin gue karena kerja gue yang lambat. Hahaha sori dori mori Sheba. I still love her anyways.

This is Okta, maminya gang Dolly. As a Libra, she is bossy and likes to talk a lot. Biar begitu, she has a motherly nature, and always take care of us young GOs.

Semua intern GOs yang baru dateng pasti awalnya sebel sama Gede, abis doi pendiem dan nyeremin. Tapi lama-lama suka ngebanyol dan ngangenin <3

Yoon si Korea gila yang suka ngomong 'Bangsat', 'Anjing', dan seterusnya. Tapi sebenernya doi baik banget.

Me and Nadhira's farewell note to all the remaining GOs. Hope to see you soon!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Mencintai Dengan Sederhana

As a student majoring in literature, of course here and then I would be assigned to read some poems, sometimes I even take the initiative to read one or two. It would only be weird if I don't.

Some of you probably been familiar with Chairil Anwar's Aku. Well, I think anyone who was a teenager growing up in 2002-2005 would easily recognize it thanks to Ada Apa Dengan Cinta. Doh. Don't even get me startin on how much people quoted that on Friendster.

Of all the Indonesian poetries I've read, this is one that I like the most. It's 'Aku Ingin' by Sapardi Djoko Damono.

Aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana
dengan kata yang tak sempat diucapkan
kayu kepada api yang menjadikannya abu

Aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana
dengan isyarat yang tak sempat disampaikan
awan kepada hujan yang menjadikannya tiada

It's so simple yet so beautifully composed by Mr.Damono (and he's a Pisces too! #TeamPisces :P). The thing with it is I can read it several times after, and still have different interpretation each time. Depends on how I am at that moment. I'm not gonna discuss what impact it has on me, because a poetry has different impact on each person, and from every interpretation you can see how their mind really works. It helps you to know a person. Well, at least for me it does. Now, in whatever I do, I'm gonna try to mencintai dengan sederhana. Godspeed!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Everybody's (Not) Fine

Kemarin gue baru saja nonton sebuah film di Cinemax yang berhasil bikin termehek-mehek. Everybody's Fine. Sebuah kalimat yang sering kita pakai untuk menjawab pertanyaan orang akan kabar kita.

"How are you?"
"I am fine thank you, and you?"
"I am fine too!"

Ya, memang kadang lebih mudah menjawab 'aku baik-baik saja' dibandingkan menjawab 'tidak, aku punya masalah' dan kemudian harus menceritakan panjang lebar tentang keluh kesah kita sehari-hari. Belum lagi harus menghadapi penilaian dan penghakiman orang lain tentang segala sesuatu yang kita perbuat. 'Lo harusnya gini gini gini dong!', 'Yah, coba lo ga kayak gitu, mungkin keadaan ga akan kayak gini', dan seterusnya mungkin adalah kata-kata terakhir yang mau lo denger dari orang lain saat lo bener-bener lagi terpuruk. Kadang-kadang yang kita butuhin memang hanya sepasang telinga yang selalu siap sedia mendengarkan dengan baik, dan sebuah tatapan sayang di akhir cerita disertai dengan sebuah 'sabar ya' yang terucap dengan tulus.

Ya tapi mau gimana lagi? Emang kadang-kadang orang lain udah ga tau mau ngomong apa lagi, mungkin orang-orang gemes ngedenger tingkah laku kita yang membuat mereka berpikir 'yah, lagi lo kenapa gitu sih.' Jadi mungkin keduanya memang diperlukan. Kadang-kadang kita bukan hanya perlu sepasang telinga, tapi kita juga butuh sebuah mulut yang selalu siap 'menampar' kita dengan realita hidup yang sebenarnya tidak terlalu keras, tapi karena hati kita sedang seperti diiris-iris light saber jadi kayaknya keras. Sebuah mulut yang siap membawa kita kembali ke jalan yang seharusnya (belum tentu benar ataupun baik).

Hanya dengan kedua hal tersebut, then everybody would be fine. Godspeed. :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Summer Experience :)

Hello folks! Long time no see! How was your summer holiday? Was it good? Splendid? Superb? Well I know mine was! Hehehe. I spent two months of my three-months summer holiday taking a short term class, and the other one working as a part-time GO in Club Med Bali.

Let me explain a bit about my job there. GO is short for Gentils Organisateur. I worked as a Mini Club GO. Club Med has a facility called Mini Club. Mini Club is separated to 4 clubs. Petit Club (2-3 years old), Mini Club (4-7 years old), Kids Club (8-10 years old), and Junior Club (11-17 years old). Our job is basically to take care of the kids who sign in to the club, play and do activities with them. We open at 9 am in the morning till 5.30 pm and open again at 6.50 pm til 9 pm. I deal with the Mini Club kids. It's hard to say which club GOs has the more difficult job because each club has its own ups and downs. With Mini Club, you have to deal with smaller kids who have less responsibilities in life, they probably just learned how to walk and run yesterday. I have to say sometimes it's a pain in the ass to chase them around, some of them JUST WON'T LISTEN! They're like devil in disguise! Heheh. But some of them are really nice and sweet once you got them to come around to you. Somewhere between and after our Mini Club working hours, we have to do GM contact, basically we sit down and mingle with the guests.

In my first week there, I really wanted to go home. I felt like all the people there were awful. The GOs might be smiling to the GMs but with other GOs, sometimes they were just awfuullll. For a newbie like me, it surely did feel like living hell. They expect us to know things around by ourselves, without telling us in advance. Well, of course we're allowed to ask in advance, even some of them would help without us asking, but some just give us a horrible look and explain things to us briefly without further ado (but now that I come to think of it again, aren't all workplace just the same? Haha).

As days went by, I got used to the situation and started to understand that's just the way things are there. Under pressure, of course sometimes you could explode, but there was NO WAY you may explode in front of the guests. So sometimes you misdirect your anger unto your colleagues, and you should understand each other. You work hard, you party hard. At working hours you really work, there are boundaries, rules and everything that tied you altogheter. After working hours, you're just colleagues hanging out and having fun together. I started to grow fond of my colleagues. Now and then, after a week being at home, I even still think about them. What are they doing at this time of day? Oh they're supposed to be having snack by now, oh they're supposed to be having Michael Jackson Show right now, etc. I even pick up a little French, Japanese, and Korean. I can say 'Let's go!' and 'Sit down, please' in six languages now! Ha.

I started to grow fond of Club Med life too. What I really like about Club Med is how it brings hundreds of strangers together, and kinda force us to be friends within seconds. That was actually a fun experience, something I would never do if it weren't for working in Club Med.

Overall, part-timing in Club Med Bali was really fun, and in the future, if they're still willing to accept me, I would totally go back there without further thinking! (+ I kinda left my fav short and my friend's tanktop somewhere in mini club, so I probably SHOULD go back hahaha). Thanks for the fun you gave me, Club Med! Now, let's go back to college with full tank! Godspeed.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sistem Pembayaran Sebuah Universitas Kelas Dunia (Wannabe)

Pada tanggal 30 Mei 2011, saya Bernardine Stefani, membayar iuran Semester Pendek atau SP sejumlah Rp.750.000 melalu ATM BNI Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia. Layar menyuruh saya untuk menunggu karena transaksi sedang diproses. Setelah itu tulisan di layar berubah menjadi "Maaf, transaksi untuk sementara tidak dapat dilakukan." Sebuah struk kecil pun keluar dengan tulisan yang sama.

Akhirnya saya menunggu untuk membayar lagi pada tanggal 31 Mei 2011. Ternyata saat hendak membayar, saldo saya tidak cukup, padahal saya ingat terakhir kali saya cek sebelum percobaan membayar SP tanggal 30, saldo tabungan saya masih ada sekita Rp.1.200.000. Akhirnya saya pun panik dan mengecek ke BNI KC UI Depok. Di catatan mereka memang pada tanggal 30 Mei, saya ada transaksi bill payment sebesar Rp.750.000 ke rekening UI. Di SIAK NG, sistem akademis mahasiswa online, status IRS saya masih "Harus menunggu konfirmasi pembayaran." Makin panik, saya mengurus hal ini ke rektorat lantai 4 dengan Bapak Dedy Supratikno. Bapak Dedy sangat kooperatif dan langsung mengurus hal ini. Setelah itu, beliau menyuruh saya mengecek status saya lagi di SIAK.

Pagi ini begitu saya mengecek di SIAK, status IRS saya sudah berubah menjadi "Menunggu konfirmasi pembayaran." Ya, memang berubah, hanya kata 'harus' yang hilang. Mau tidak mau saya sekarang merasa kesal. Harus melapor kemanalagikah saya? Harus mengurus kemanalagikah saya? Apakah ini sistem pembayaran "WORLD CLASS UNIVERSITY"?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Why I Love Sinetron

Reasons why I love sinetron:

1. It encourages young people to dress and/or act older than they really are/supposed to

2. It teaches us that everything will be alright as long as we "pasrah" and "berserah kepada Allah."

3. If your life's miserable, you're probably not your parents' daughter. Someone might've switched you when you were a baby. So don't worry, be happy, and keep praying.

So, what's so not to love about sinetron? You guys are crazy, duh. Godspeed.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Birthday Wish List 2011

1. A puppy. Beagle/husky/chow chow/pug.
2. Hyun Bin or Ryu Soo Young. Hahaha.
3. A nose job.
4. A private chef.
5. Justin Bieber concert VIP tickets.

Pasti bisa terwujud kan ya? Amin...Godspeed.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dream High: Genie Cover

Been watching Dream High. Anteng karena pemainnya cakep-cakep, lagunya bagus-bagus. Gue paling suka pas mereka bikin cover Genie di episode 4 (eh atau 5 ya). IU's been known for her amazingly skilled guitar-playing, dan selama ini kalo dia ngecover lagu artis-artis lain emang jatohnya jadi enak. Lies-nya Big Bang yang jejingkrakan jadi mellow, Sorry Sorry jadi agak quirky tapi tetep enak, Gee jadi manis nan syahdu. Kali ini gak terkecuali. Terus gue heran banget, si Suzy baru 16 tahun, tapi kenapa cakepnya udah naudzubillah ya Allah?

Oke cukup sekian. Silakan ditonton. Let's spread some Dream High love! Godspeed.

Dream High: Winter Child

This would probably be my most favourite birthday song EVER.

Winter Child

Born in the winter, beautiful you
Clean like snow, you who belongs to me
Born in the winter, my lover
Clear like snow, you who belongs to me

Regardless whether its spring, summer, autumn, or winter.
Always clear and clean

Born in the winter, beautiful you
Clean like snow, you who belong tome

Regardless whether it's spring, summer, autumn, or winter
Always clear and clean
Born in the winter, beautiful you
Clean like snow, you who belong to me

happy birthday to you..happy birthday to you ooohh
happy birthday to you. Your birthday...

happy birthday to you (happy birthday to you)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Being A Bitch

"Calling somebody else fat won't make you any skinnier, calling somebody else stupid. Calling somebody else stupid doesn't make you any smarter. All you can do in life is try to solve the problem in front of you." -Ms.Norbury, Mean Girls-

Okay, I won't go against Tina Fey, she's like my goddess. But I gotta join the dark force this time. Angst is better out than in. So when you're mad/angry with something/someone, just let it out. Call them names sure won't solve the problems, but it will produce good hormones in your bodies caused by reliefs of stress, which would make you solve the probs better. Am I right? Am I right? Yea, I'm feeling you, bitches.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 11: Top 10 Blogs According To Me

I don't really blogwalk that probably I know little of top blogs..or the "trending" here's my version of top 10 blogs (not necessarily in order)

She was my senior in high school and I love how she writes. And what she writes. About her life, normal stuff, love stuff, I enjoyed them all :) (ps: if you're reading this ci Teppy, I'm a big fan of your blog ever since your blogdrive days)

He started off here and now has moved to I don't even know him in person, and he doesn't know me either. Loved his tweets and followed him.

Turned out he knows my sister's best friend. Who knows if he knows my sister too.

I'm really curious as to how this bule right here can speak such fluent Indonesian and even write his blog in Indonesian. And from what I read he seems like a really cool bule.

Someone posted her link on facebook, I clicked it, and am a frequent reader ever since. My favorite statement of hers was how writing a blog in full English does not mean that we aren't nationalists, or we dont love our country, or so on. We studied it LOCALLY, which proves that we are not a stupid nation.

Well, if THIS considered a blog, then yes it is one of my top blogs.

This one too :D

Checked in here quiet frequently to check out new movies.

This blog only has 24 posts, but I swear those are the best 24 posts of mockery and fuckery I've ever read! Ha! Can someone update this blog, puuuh-lisss?

Full of trivial facts, world's hidden secrets, et cetera. A light read that makes me a more knowledgeable person.

There, there. Hope you enjoy my favourite blogs as much as I do. Godspeed! :D


The worst thing that might happen is when one of your fears come true. One of mine did. I failed classic Chinese 1 and I did see it coming. So, no surprise though. But still, it burdens me just by thinking I still have to go through that traditional characters hell one semester longer than others who passed.

Guess my luck has ran out now, eh?