Saturday, December 26, 2009

Seribu Rasa

Apakah artinya Natal? Bagi saya, hanya sekadar makan-makan besar bersama keluarga saya yang tidak kalah besarnya pula. Kebersamaan. Ya, ya, itu dia. Kebersamaan dan makanan enak. Oh terkutuklah dunia.
Jadi Natal tahun ini pun, pilihan makan-makan jatuh di Seribu Rasa di daerah Menteng. Bagi yang belum pernah coba, ayo lekas! Saya gak tahu jenis makanan apa yang dijual disini, yang jelas lezat! Masakan melayu peranakan sepertinya.
Range harga di sini dimulai dari 20ribuan untuk makanan dan 10ribuan untuk minuman. Harga yang cukup worth-it kalau mau disejajarkan dengan rasanya yang ciamik.
My 31 married brother. He should start wearing man bra like Eric Foreman's dad in That 70's show.

My ** Arabian sister. One annoying bitch. Hahaha.

Salad Mangga. Mangganya segar dan garing. Rasanya pas, asam-asam manis. Disajikan dengan beberapa potong udang kering, dan entah apa itu garing-garingan putih yang ada di pinggirnya.

Cakwe Seafood Oriental. Rasanya sudah tidak seperti cakwe yang dijual di pasar yang dipakai emak saya untuk jualan bubur tiap hari. Yang ini sudah dicampur dengan seafood dalam adonannya (sepertinya), dengan saus ala oriental yang kembali, asam-asam manis. Cakwenya kental dan tebal.

Ayam Goreng Saus Mangga. Ini pesanan saya. Sepertinya saya memang agak tertarik dengan menu-menu mangga yang disajikan restoran ini karena memang enak. Jadi begitu melihat judul dan tampilannya di menu saya langsung tergiur. Rasanya sebenarnya agak keasaman. Tapi selain itu tidak ada yang salah. Adonan tepungnya pas, tidak tebal dan tidak tipis. Mangganya lagi-lagi, segar dan garing.

Daun Singkong Tumbuk. Yang ini menu favorit keluarga. Singkongnya ditumbuk agak halus. Kuahnya santan, sangat gurih dan tidak terlalu bikin enek. Pertama kali merasakan makanan ini, lidah langsung bergoyang. Ada sesuatu yang beda yang membuat makanan ini agak berbeda dengan daun singkong yang biasa dimasak emak saya. Ternyata setelah diulik-ulik, ketemu salah satu bahan rahasianya. Daun mint. Gak tau lagi sih ada bahan rahasia lain lagi gak ya. Yang pasti ini kalau mampir, ini wajib pesan punya!

Dendeng Sapi Dua Rasa. Agak standar sih. Semacam empal sapi, hanya lebih tipis. Bumbunya ada dua, cabai hijau dan cabai merah. Ya iyalah anak tk juga tau.

Sayur Asem. Yang ini saya gak sempet coba. Jadi no comment.

Kepiting Soka Abon. Kepitingnya garing. Abonnya juga enak. Ini masih agak standar bagi saya. Saya agak kurang suka sih dengan makanan yang masih harus dilepeh-lepeh lagi (saya ga luput melepeh kulit kepiting tiap kali makan ini)

Udang Mantis. Again, ngelepeh-lepeh kulit udang. Tapi bumbunya enak. Lupa bumbu apa ini. Hahha. Maap yak.

Cumi Goreng Tepung. Sambelnya asem2 gimanaaa gitu. Pake bawang pula. Nyaaammm... Cuminya sih standar. Garing.

Klaapertaart vanilla. Mungkin lebih baik namanya diganti saja jadi Klaapercustard. Tartnya creamy banget, bener-bener kayak krim custard. Di bawahnya ada potongan-potongan kelapa muda yang tadi gak saya makan.

Ketan Mangga Cubit dan Klaapertaart Rum Raisin. Rasa ketannya kayak rasa permen tango. Mangga-mangga milky gitu. Ketannya ga manis, tapi ga pahit juga sih. Ketolong, meskipun dikiittt banget ketolong tawarnya, sama sausnya. Taartnya amat sangat terasa rumnya. Mungkin dituang setengah gelas sebelum disajikan. Urrrgh I hate rum.

Dengan demikian berakhir reportasi kuliner saya pada dini hari ini. Saya pamit dulu, hendak melanjutkan tugas bacaan terakhir kelas pengantar kesustraan Cina yang akan menentukan kelulusan saya. Karya yang saya bahas adalah Empress Orchid karya Anchee Min. Sangat menarik. Selamat tinggal. Godspeed.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Go Random!

I never understand all the shits people put out on New Moon. What did you expect it to be? Rocket science? A movie about a teenage girl, vampire clan, and a smokin hot pack of werewolves is supposed to be like that. Easy to chew, and you'll hope one of the werewolves will chew you. Haha.

My foreign language comprehension skill is getting worse. And this supposed to be lethal, since I am STUDYING language <--- if any of my senior or teacher see this maybe they'd say, we're not only studying the language, but also the culture, history, politic.. (and then it fades til all I could hear is blahblahblah..) Fantasticness.

If I could be born again as anyone/anybody in any time/any place, I would wanna be someone who lived in China around 1911-1950. So I could explain to the next me on the next life, which means now, about what and how China post dynasty really was.. T__T

Why did thou ever bother analyzing about words, phrases, clauses and how they formed and reformed, oh dear almighty Language God?

Sometimes I just wanna go honest all the time, but everytime I go, no matter what I ride, I always get blocked by two dead ends, "Manner" and "Morality". Dang, whatever happened to the road to heaven and a peaceful state of mind? <--- Okay, desperate attempt to be witty spotted and busted and charged guilty.

For all we know, the judgement day may happen in 2012. But for all we know too, it may not be too. Whatever happened to the saying "The Judgement Day can happen anytime, we'd never know"? Sure it may happen in 2012, but it may not too. The point is NOBODY ever knows. Stop bitchin about the idea of 2012. No more "2012 ga mungkin kiamat!" or "2012 bakal kiamat!". What about you fix your own goddamn brain first and then you may go ahead blabbing about religion.

Oh how I love the sims. Love, love, love. And ice coffee in the morning. And dipping Marie Regal in ice coffee in the morning. And internet. I don't know how to live without internet. I can't even remember what I used to do in spare time before internet. I can't remember what it used to be like, socializing with real people directly, instead of doing it via internet. Wow, I must be one pathetic oxymoron.

I'm really not a church person. You know...that kind of person who's active at church...doing friends with all church youth' members... I'm not saying it's wrong. I encourage the idea. But sometimes I just feel like that kinda relationship is fake. How do you suppose to be yourselves in front of dozens of The God of All Things Good' worshipper? I don't mean to generalize, but sometimes they can be so indirectly judgemental it's making me questioning myself, "Am I really goin to hell or what?". Haha. Well say what you say but it's just me. But it doesn't mean I'm anti-church either, I just don't like the idea of 'Doing things in God'. If you wanna do good, don't bring God in it. Zip it to yourself. If you wanna do good, don't do it for God, do it for yourself, if not for those who are in need. Ok. Me, hell, now.

I always feel I'm slightly more superior than anyone else. Which means I'm also slightly delusional. But in my defense, it is because I have a superior God :)

Before, I have a thing for bald men. Now, gondrong men is everything. Now, me wants gondrong, brewok tipis, mata indah. Dang.

I always feel pity for those who hate or afraid of something a little bit too much. Where's your faith? Where's the love? You may not go through it cause of the pain or fear is just too much to bear, but I know that you know you'll LIVE through it. So, stop WHINING. Stop hating to the point where you can't do anything cause you're always thinking of it. Just STOP everything and live your life like you're supposed to be, IN LOVE. Yeaaah.

People keep saying, "Ayolah, kamu harus diet" and blahblahblahs. Back to the previous point. I am living my life like it supposed to be. I love myself the way I am. If someday I decide to go on a diet, let it be cause I want it, for me, and because of that only. Not because I want some random guy on the street take a second look at me and say "Dang, that girl's hot!". I'm not gonna be a hypocrite and say 'Iyuh, those guys are pathetic!'. Every girl wants to be appreciated sometime. But I just haven't arrived (and I hope, will NEVER arrive) to the point where I won't eat carbs for it, or keeping myself from having the things I love. I have much more important things to be focused on, and I need CALORIES to do it. Period.

I love my friends like I love myself: I always come second, everybody else's first. Hahaha this is sooooo backdoor bragging (don't get it? watch 30 rock!), yet saying 'yes I don't love you that much friends!"

I'm reading Empress Orchid by Anchee Min for my final literature class assignment. Wish me luck. So far chapter one is interesting. Witty.

So long, adios. Godspeed.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Just for the sake of 'update'

Hello! Udah lama gak ngepost...kalian pasti bertanya-tanya; ada apa gerangan? Ya..gue sendiri mulai bertanya-tanya, apa sih makna blog ini. Diisi juga jarang...dibuka doang yang sering cuma buat dipandang-pandang sambil ngupil.

So, a lot has happened. My oldest (literally, she's old. Hahaha. God she'll kill me if she sees this) sister has moved to Qatar. Tepatnya di Ad Doha. Hell if I know where the hell in the map it was. Hope she'd allowed us (me and my mom, not me and you huh) to visit her next year. Can't wait to see Egypt!

I was chosen as a PO for my college's Catholic youth' Advent on The Road. Well actually it was my friend Sandra who was chosen in the first place but later she gave the position to me. Katanya dia mau memfokuskan diri ke kelas bahasa Cinanya yang nilainya menurun, sementara gue kan nilainya uda bagus jadi bisa lah kalo jadi PO. Wets itu kata Sandra lho, bukan geer-nya gue. Nyahaha.

Semester 3 ini sepertinya semakin sulit dengan tugas-tugas kesusastraan, sejarah Cina, dan kebudayaan Indonesia yang ga penting. Kebudayaannya penting, kelasnya maksudnya yang ga penting. Kalau begini, rasanya menyesal dulu tidak memilih Sastra Inggris. *sob*

Baru mulai menyadari ternyata: COWOK FIB LUCU-LUCU. Gosh. They always have a way of taking my breath away. Hahaha. Really one of a kind. You won't find ones like them in any other faculty. Or university. Come, come to FIB UI! Yeah!

Anyways, I really don't have any idea why I'm writing this post. This post is literally shit. Just for the sake of 'update'. Gosh. Kthxbye. Godspeed.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


When words have failed
Silence is all we need
Just take a deep breath in the moment
You'll feel the euphoria
Of the air dancing in nothingness

The grass, knowing no one recognizes 'em
But they're keep attached to each other
Knowing nothing could ever kill 'em
As long as their roots keep binding to each other
Oh the euphoria

As long as the sun's keep rising
Just us; you, me, and them
Knowing we're undone
When words have failed
Silence will break the ice

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Lost Souls

Amazing how a love story could have a wonderful effect and the most long lasting perhaps to me, than any sermons or proverbs would have. Just thought I'd share the link with you here. Geez, I cried the whole way.

The man is just someone who is too good to be true. You will all wonder why a guy so good gotta leave so soon? Imma take a raincheck on answering that one. It's been a mystery to me since 2004, since I watched right in front of my own face a good guy passed away so quickly and peacefully.

It all came clear. The ticket to heaven can't be bought, it is GIVEN. All the lost souls, all the souls we've mourned, He summoned them for a reason: He just gave them the ticket. They have deserved it.

We all have purposes. Some have figured it all out, some haven't. But He has hinted the way for us to live, LOVE. Hate belongs to demons only. I know it's hard not to hate, I hate, often times. But isn't the way to something good is always the hardest? Live your best. Never think about tomorrow, cause everything will fall into place, one thing after another. Everything will be beautiful at His time, not yours. Don't force it. Godspeed.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

But Really

They'd say I'm a dreamer
but really, I just like to dream

They'd say I'm a thinker
but really, thinkin is all I do

They'd say I'm moody
but really, moods are what animate me

They'd say I'm old-man wise
but really, that's cause I think too much

They'd say I'm a singer
but really, they haven't heard my real voice

They'd say I'm an actor
but really, that's the wall I've built for all past years

They'd say I'm a poet
but really, I'm a woman of too much words

They'd say I'm the life of the parties
but really, I feel dead in them

They'd say I'm a lover
but really, love is all I have to offer

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Is there any such thing?

Soo...I've been thinking about this. By this, I mean this blog. This another junk on this empty space called internet. It's title. Hanny in real life. Me. In. Real. Life.

Gosh, what was I thinking when I chose that url. Suddenly it sounds so corny and cheap. Oops no offense Dan in Real Life, I love the movie, but who would want to read bunch of craps of pages about ME in REAL LIFE, huh? Even I don't.

I'm thinking of changing this blog's url into something a little simpler, and really defines me, and no, it's not banci gembrot. I don't know, maybe you can help me think of something cool nyahahaha.

As a last goodbye to the name "Hanny in Real Life", Imma describe me in real life. Okay the real me in real life is nothing sweet. I'm an angry bitter little girl. Lately I feel like I'm losing my 'emotions bud' (if there's any such term). I don't feel sad, happy, worried, nor anything. Nothing. I've been faking emotions the whole time. It's not that I don't have any emotions at all... I mean I do feel things, but lately I've always faked 'em in front of people. All I am lately is bitter.

I feel like I've been pretending to befriends, to act all nice, to the people I don't really want to befriends with or act nice to. And some of those people doesn't even deserve it. They're good people. So the question is maybe, 'what the heck is up with me?'. Was it cause of I lost my dog a couple weeks ago? But I didn't feel anything about it either. I mean I was sad, and I miss Shiro sooo badly. But the sadness didn't dominate me. I am at a point where I don't really care if anybody gets hurt as long as it's not me who gets hurt. I'm like the old space theory by Copernicus, the center of the universe is earth and every other things just rotate around it. Wrong on so many levels.

I started to feel like a superhuman, like nothing could get through me. Was it cause I've gone past my labil times a looong looong time ago? I know I have, but where the hell did all my emotions have gone?? And aside from the fact that I'm typing it, I don't even care for the fact that I'm emotionless.

Geez I really should start get away from these people. I can't stand be around them. They're just straight ass annoying and one of them doesn't even realize it and always think my cranky face whenever she's around was not caused by her. Dude, it's you dude. Nothing else. Nobody else. You. Annoy. Me.

I used to worshipped realness. I loath fakeness. But now I'm becoming what I loath. And it's making me angry. There is nothing worse than being angry at yourself. Okaaaaay enough rantiiinnng. This has been too emo, too much emo is never good for anyone.

So the change is going to happen effective immediatly. Hahha, I haven't even decided what the new url yet. So, until then, Godspeed.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

In the end of a cranky week like this

Call me a bitch. Yes indeed, I am. I talk about people, whether it's a compliment or an insult, directly or indirectly, I say what I think is right.
Rule one, if in the end it turns out I was wrong, I'd apologize and go in peace. But if I'm right....there ain't no way I'm giving up on it.
Rule two, I don't care if the person I talk about is somehow in others' opinion, whether slightly or much more, better than me, I'd still talk about her/him. And you could only get that DILLIGAF look from me. You're entitled to your opinion and so am I. And if you try to infiltrate me with your stupid rasionalisation on what you believe is right, while I know it's wrong, Imma ignore you cause arguing with a fool makes it two.
Now you get what I mean when I said "call me a bitch" right? Yea. Godspeed.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Another Feedjit Post!

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Sunday, September 27, 2009

No Such Thing

I really don't think there are normal people in
the world. You wouldn't know what normal is if it weren't for insane. We're all
basically psychopath. Just more insane or less insane than the other.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

True Blood

True Blood. You know what? I LOOVE IT. You say "Ackh just another vampire-tastic bull. Let's see if Bill fckin Compton can beat Edward stupid colon". I say "Yeaaassss! Bring it oooooonnn HBO." Hahaha. Yeah, it really is like Twilight for adults. And when I say for adults, I mean really for adults. I shouldn't even be watching it with my age and all. Not to mention my innocent face ;). Explicit visuals and the usual cursing slurs (Dang whatever happen to the world of television, first Dexter, now this? Or maybe it just I that was too naive?) are probably two of other things that keep this series the way it is.

So basically the setting is in Lousiana, and it is the time where the vampires have come out of the closet. Demanding for their civil rights and equality as citizens of the world. Question is, why do they finally decide to expose themselves after thousands, hundreds thousand years of concealment and discretion? The answer is True Blood. The Japanese apparently have developed synthetic blood (called True Blood, available in A-, O-, and other blood types, you name it) so it makes it possible for the vamps to stop feeding on human blood. This is just too cool. Hahaha.
And not to mention the sex scenes. Just see it for yourself and you'll see why I said it's for adults. Don't watch it with your elders or minors. It'd be so aaawwwwkkkwaaaard.

There's this scene, you know the scene where Bill and Sookie first met at The Merlotte's? It is sooooo worth the Emmy. It's even more chemical than Edward and Bella's first biology class. Hahaha.

Ok, so who's the Romeo and Juliet, Edward and Bella, Bonnie and Clyde, Rangga and Cinta, in this another vamptasia hit, huh? The couple, without whom, the series would be boring. The couple who is the life of the series. Let's welcome Bill Compton and Sookie Stackhouse.

Well, I gotta say this isn't the first tv series which female lead character I hate so much, I wish I could get in the series and dunk em head in cold water reaaaal hard, because the first was Grey's Anatomy.

Wassup with this Sookie btch anyway. So Bill practically said he loved her and would do anything to be with her, she drove away. Bill drove away too, she comes purring back in. Bill went to the vamp magister court for killing a vampire in the DEFENSE OF SOOKIE, she messed around and go bitchin with Sam. When Bill found out Sam and Sook are hookin up in Sook's livin room, Bill took Sam down, and she went on and FCKIN CRASHED A VASE ON BILL'S HEAD. And then she even made a rasionalization on what she did with Sam and threw Bill outta the house. And then she's back on again with Bill after Bill tried to save her life, in the process of which, he went out in the daylight and that ain't no good for a vamp. Dang bitch, that ain't right.

I know Sookie is like the main character here and all, but please please please, make her go away, or at least make her grow a brain cell. And that bitter girl Tara. Don't you just wanna shove a brick in her mouth and suck it up to her? I've never seen a woman that bitter unless she's wearing a hairnet, and sorting out seafish in the market. We all like bitter, like Cristina Yang's bitter bitter, or Debra Morgan's bitter bitter, but this one's just straight ass annoying.

That Jason Stackhouse. He's plain ass stupid that's what he is. And I don't know why I just don't find him hot. He always mess up things and I can see him turnin his back on his sister in the future. But you can't help but to like him. He's innocent stupid and that's what makes him funny.
In the future I hope there will be less of Sookie's Barbieness and more hot guys comin along. Hahaha. Enjoy True Blood. Godspeed.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Imma Kiss Guru

Oke, you see that application on the bottom right of this blog? Yeah that's called Feedjit (@citra h: bacanya fijit loh cit) Live Traffic. The main function is to tell the location of people who have come or happened to cross by this blog on any random occasions or accidents. And also why. Whether it's via blogger, via google, or via whatever website there is, you know it all. And if it's via google, it tells what people type to made them end up here. And..umm..yeah these are what they type.

"Relation P process with reality life" --> masih normal
"Sandra Herlina" --> artis mana nih? haha ya masih normal lah
"Artis Korea Big Bang di Twitter" --> Waw thanks. Turut senang deh bisa ikut membantu promosi Big Bang


"Gimana rasanya cipokan" --> Woooooootttttt?? Oke anda telah datang ke tempat yang tepat. Ini memang blognya Kiss Guru Hanny Lengi. Yeah. The Guru sudah memiliki berbagai macam pengalaman cipokan. Termasuk dengan anjing dan kura-kura.

"Wanita normal yg memiliki jakun" ---> ..... Err...seriously, gue bener2 mau tahu siapa yang ngegoogle ini. Orang macam apakah yang ngegoogle ini. Apa yang dia makan, di mana dia dibesarkan, orangtuanya berasal dari mana, dia semalam di mana, berbuat apa, sama siapa. Ga, ga, serius tapi. Dia lagi mau bikin makalahkah sampai ngegoogle ginian? Mau operasi ganti kelaminkah? Cmon tell me stranger. I'm all ears.

Yeas peeps, untuk ke depannya lagi gue akan terus mengupdate post macam ini. Attendre et voir. Godspeed.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Selamat Hari Lebaran

Ok...selamat hari lebaran 1430 H bagi yang merayakan..Yang tidak merayakan ya..ikutan ajalah minta-minta maaf...Siapa tahu ada yang ngasih maaf...
Post kali ini agak nyampah sih, ikutan si Reigina Tjahaya, tapi blog gue, hidup hidup gue, terserah gue dong mau ngapain :P

3 things I'm addicted to:
internet, pinset (jangan tanya untuk apa), susu.

3 things I'm interested in:
internet (lagi), tari-tarian porno (hahaha ga pake porno deng), bahasa.

3 things I found hot:
Jakarta, glasses, betis telor hahaha.

3 wildest dream:
jadi atlet congklak, kawin di hutan (liar kan), dilahirkan kembali sebagai hewan langka (pastinya hidup akan liar karena diburu orang terus).

3 obsession:
jadi atlet congklak, penyanyi2 cewe yang bernyanyi2 sambil menari (ok that just sound too gay just then, ah to hell with it), our existence.

3 things I treasure the most:
ah ga ada ah...semua hal berharga bagi gue (ahiiiiiiyyy..).

3 types of smell you love:
wangi susu anget, wangi abang gue..enak bener dah pake parfum apa sih bang, wangi duit.

3 types of smell you hate:
bau ketek (kecuali ketek sendiri), bau sampah busuk, hmm sama bau rokok pastinya (HAHAHAHA).

3 things you hate:
ga ada ah..hidup ini terlalu singkat untuk dilewati dengan kebencian...ajiiikkk.

3 bad habits:
suka ribet ngejelasin diri sendiri, niat basa basi tapi ga jago akting jadi ketauan ga tulusnya, suka secara ga sadar ngeliatin orang sambil MANGAP. ajik kan.

3 things you love to wear:
luaran gaul, sendal jepit gaul, jins item (biar pantatnya keliatan kecilan dikit gitu hahaha).

3 childhood toys:
blackberry, psp, the sims (biasa anak kecil gaul jadi kayak gini deh).

3 favourite author: jk rowling, dan brown, stephenie meyer (ok gue pathetic tapi tapi tapi..udahlah akuin aja kalo twilight tuh guilty pleasure lo semua kan...ya kan ya kan..ngaku).

3 favourite director:
siapa yak... hmm Rudi Soedjarwo, Tim Burton, dan 2 orang sutradara Thailand yang nyutradarain Shutter itu.

3 reason you do this thing:
iseng, rebek explaining diri sendiri (liat kembali ke bagian bad habits), iseng lagi.

3 person you would tag to do this:
aya, imee, idya.

Eh eh sebelum kalian pergi ini ada mantra buat kalian, baca ya:
cok kocok kocok dikocok kocok
sembilan bulan brojol si ucok

Yak karena kalian sudah membaca mantra tadi, hati-hatilah nanti saat sebelum tidur, cek kolong tempat tidur dan pastikan tirai jendela kalian tertutup. Godspeed.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Thin Red Line

Yin dan Yang. Some of you might be wondering: Wtf is Yin Yang actually?
Cuma gambar lingkaran, tengah-tengahnya terbagi dua oleh sebuah garis berombak. Satunya putih dengan titik hitam, satunya hitam dengan titik putih.

Konsep Yin Yang atau Yinyang (Hanzi: 陰陽) berasal dari filsafat Cina dan metafisika kuno yang menjelaskan setiap benda di alam semesta memiliki polaritas abadi berupa dua kekuatan utama yang selalu berlawanan tapi selalu melengkapi. Yin bersifat pasif, sedih, gelap, feminin, responsif, dan dikaitkan dengan malam. Yang bersifat aktif, terang, maskulin, agresif, dan dikaitkan dengan siang. Yin disimbolkan dengan air, sedangkan Yang disimbolkan dengan api.Yin (feminin, hitam, bersifat pasif) dan Yang (maskulin, terang, bersifat aktif) adalah dua elemen yang saling melengkapi. Setiap kekuatan di alam dianggap memiliki keadaan Yin dan Yang.Kemungkinan besar teori Yin dan Yang berasal dari ajaran agama agraris zaman kuno. Konsep Yin Yang dikenal dalam Taoisme dan Konfusianisme, walaupun kata Yin Yang hanya muncul sekali dalam kitab Tao Te Ching yang penuh dengan contoh dan penjelasan tentang konsep keseimbangan.Konsep Yin Yang merupakan prinsip dasar dalam ilmu pengobatan tradisional Cina yang menetapkan setiap organ tubuh memiliki Yin dan Yang. (Wikipedia)

Secara pribadi, I'm not a Daoist, but this Yin Yang concept has always fascinates me. Kita, manusia, tidak hitam ataupun putih. We're simply grays. Yang terlihat putih pun pasti memiliki hitam di dalamnya, and vice versa.

You know how di film-film yang di dalamnya ada mafia, gangster, triad, atau semacamnya, somehow some of them still find the time to go to the church? Or wihara, mosque, etc. Yeah those movies are trying to show us, even the evilest ones still need to look up to the greater good. This concept really really blows my mind like a twister. Hahaha berlebihan.

Here's a quote from a Mentalist episode, The Thin Red Line
Patrick Jane: It's nice to be nice. But if you want to get ahead in life, sometimes you have to be a bitch. I know you know how.
Grace Van Pelt: Gee, thanks.
Patrick Jane: It's all about the balance, Grace. Yin, Yang. Nice, bitch. Little bit of bitch inside the nice, a little bit of nice inside the bitch.
Grace Van Pelt: Yeah, I'll work on that.
Patrick Jane: Keep 'em guessin'.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bercinta Bersama

Oke entah mengapa semenjak diinisiasi gue semakin merasa terikat dan belong ke jurusan gue. Berlebihan banget mungkin kalo dibilang gue cinta banget sama jurusan gue, terlebih setelah inisiasi dan puding pete laknat itu, tapi itulah kenyataannya. Anjing, bisa muntah ke muka sendiri gak sih? Hahaha. Perasaan setiap saat jadi pengen nyanyi lagu yang itu loh...yang itu loh...

"Perasaan iniiii janganlah cepat berlalu....perasaan ini..." dan begitu seterusnya.

Pokoknya I love you lah 08. Mari bercinta bersama.

Ouh, dan terima kasih yang telah membuka post ini karena melihat judulnya. Maaf anda kurang beruntung.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Ketika titik kecil itu berubah hijau
Rasa ini mulai kembali mengapung ke permukaan
Karna aku tahu kamu cuma satu klik jauhnya
Aku ingin berbincang...
Sudah lama aku tak membaca kecongkakanmu

Aku pun amat ragu kamu merasakan yang sama
Karna kamu tinggal di negeri cendekiawan
dimana banyak kembang yang lebih harum

Ya aku tahu aku egois
Karna meskipun banyak wangi yang juga lebih manis
Bagiku wangimu tetap instingtif
Cuma kamu yang bisa berbau seperti kamu

Aku memang gila
Aku memang menjijikkan
Tapi aku hanyalah aku
Aku bukan siapa-siapa
Aku bukan orang lain
Aku dan kamu adalah aku

Semua hal yang tidak ada inti tapi masuk akal
Semua hal yang mengingatkanku akan kaca
Semua hal yang mengingatkanku akan bulan Oktober
Hanya aku yang mengerti
Kamu cukup tahu saja

Aku bukan pencari roman picisan
Aku hanya mencari teman
Karna lebih baik aku mati daripada kesepian
Tapi siapa bilang teman tak bisa menciptakan roman picisan?
Aku dan kamu tahu lebih baik dari itu

Dan kata-kata kali ini amatlah aneh
Aku pun agak bergidik membacanya
Seperti berada di luar diriku sendiri
Tapi aku...sepertinya...ingin
dan aku dan aku

Salam, aku dan egoku

Show Me

I realized as I lay down to sleep
We haven't spoke in weeks
So many things that I'd like to know
Come have a talk with me
I need a sign, something I can see
Why all the mystery?
I try not to fall for make believe
But what is reality?
Where do we go?What do we know?
Life has to have a meaning
Show me the light
Show me the way
Show that you're listening

Show me that you love me
Show me that you walk with me
Hopefully, just above me
Heaven's watching over me

Guess it's funny how I say thanks to you
For all you've given me
Sometimes the price of what you gave to me
I can't stop questioning
O God of love, peace, and mercy
Why so much suffering?
I pray for the world, it gets worse to me
Wonder if you're listening
When people go
Why do they go?
Why don't you choose me?
But someday I know I'm gonna go
I hope you're waiting for me

Show me that you love me
Show me that you walk with me
Hopefully, just above me
Heaven's watching over me

Maybe we'll talk
Some other night
Right now I'll take it easy
Won't spent my time
Waiting to die
Enjoy the life I'm living

Show me that you love me
Show me that you walk with me
Hopefully, just above me
Heaven's watching over me

-John Legend, Show Me-

Friday, September 4, 2009

Occasionally Grateful ;P

Gue kangen hari-hari di mana lagu-lagu cuma sesimpel "Aku tak peduli siapa engkau selama engkau mencintaiku", atau "Pukul aku sayang sekali lagi", atau "Aku menaruh cintaku padamu, hanya itu yang ingin kulakukan". Sepertinya dulu itu, lagu-lagu begitu sederhana, lumayan cheesy namun catchy dan manis. Hahaha. Kita cuma tinggal menelan bulet-bulet semua permainan kata-kata cinta manis nan gombal tanpa harus repot-repot mikir.
Gak seperti sekarang, di mana kita harus repot-repot menebak apa sih sebenernya arti lagu ini? Artinya tentang kematian, kehidupan, Tuhan, atau cinta-cintaan seh? Ngomongin petir, buku, atau lelaki sih? Zzzzzz.
Hahaha bercanda deh. Saya mah lagu apa aja suka...selama saya masih bisa ikutan nyanyi. Tapi ya siapa sih yang bisa nolak kedahsyatan kata-kata berikut, dan jangan lupakan nada-nada yang catchy geeeelllaaa yang bikin kita nyanyi-nyanyi lagu ini terus nonstop sepanjang tahun.

"I don't care who you are
Where you're from
What you did
As long as you love me
Who you are
Where you're from
Don't care what you did
As long as you love me beybeh"

Not that it reminded me of any personal experiences loh ya. Really seriously. Hahaha.

Oke..ngomongin apa lagi yeeee. Semakin ke sininya, gue semakin merasa bersyukur kuliah di jurusan sastra. banyak paper kayak fakultas lainnya...gak ketemu itung-itungan...kerjaannya cuma ngebacot aja...Cihui banget lah pokoknya. Gue gak bakal sanggup kalo disuru masuk akuntansi yang bikin tabel melulu. Atau kayak anak-anak HI atau hukum yang kerjaannya bikin paper, terus mesti rajin update berita-berita terkini dari koran atau warta berita di tipi. Ya bukan berarti kuliah di jurusan sastra lantas membuat gue sah untuk jadi buta berita sih...tapi tetap aja itu bukan suatu keharusan yang mendesak seperti anak-anak fisip. Hahaha. Sastra Cina UI is the best lah pokoknya. At least for me.

Biar banyak orang yang memandang rendah anak-anak jurusan sastra, tapi jujur aja, itu gak terlalu mengganggu gue. Bukan mereka yang menjalani, jelas aja mereka gak tau kenyataan sebenernya kuliah sastra itu kayak gimana. Ya gak bisa menyalahkan mereka juga sih, kadang aja gue yang uda menjalaninya merasa blank tiba-tiba kan. Kayak misalnya lagi ngapalin percakapan-percakapan bahasa Cina, terus tiba-tiba langsung berhenti ngapalin gara-gara tiba-tiba mikir "Hah, ngapain sih gue ini sebenernya, abis kuliah mau kenalan sama orang Cinakah? Abis kuliah mau pesen makanan di restoran Cina kan?" atau yang lebih dalem lah dikit, "Sebenernya apaan sih tujuan dan guna hidup gue ini, sehari-hari cuma ngapalin hurup Cina, kayak bener-bener nyari kerjaan, terus apaan nih fonetik morfologi sintaksis dan lain-lainnya ini? Emang bentar kalo gue kerja di koran bakal ngebahas morfologi ya?".

Hidup sehari-hari di kosan juga cuma kalo gak ngapalin hurup Cina dan percakapan, ya ngelamun menatap langit-langit sambil mikir si penunggu kamar sekarang lagi ngapain ya, jangan-jangan dia juga lagi tiduran juga di sebelah gue.

Oiya just FYI, setiap kosan di Depok pasti ada setannya. Cuman kebanyakan sih baik, tenang aja. Kayak di kosan gue, kata temen gue yang bisa ngeliat makhluk goib sih ya emang ada. Gue pun sempet digangguin di malam pertama tinggal di kosan. Punggung gue bener-bener merinding (ya mungkin itu pas dia lagi tiduran di sebelah gue) terus pagi-paginya bangku yang gue inget udah gue masukin ke meja belajar tiba-tiba udah berubah jadi posisi serong rada mau keluar dari meja. Hiiiiiiyyyyy, serem ya? Gak juga sih. Hahaha ngemeng doang gue, padahal di kamar kosan tuh udah penuh rosario sama minyak urapan (yang akhirnya juga si rosario copot, dan minyak urapan ga pernah diotak-atik kecuali pas suatu malam saat gue tiba-tiba sakit perut dan minyak itu gue pake sebagai pengganti minyak angin).

Akhir kata, ngekos itu mantap, banyak banget malam-malam di mana gue merasa kesepian tapi secara keseluruhan, gue bersyukur bisa merasakan kehidupan kosan setelah 17 tahun cuma ngedemprok di rumah gak ketulungan manjanya. Cita-cita gue sekolah di sekolah negeri pun kesampean setelah SMP dan SMA gagal masuk sekolah negeri. Terima kasih Greater Good :)

XOXO, Occasionally Grateful Girl

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Wow ini baru mantap bang... Cengkok sendu dengan irama 90an yang kental.. Hahaha. Membuat gue merasa seperti anak kecil kembali. Cihui. I think it's a perfect december love song. Yuuhuuuuu.

Certified Lazy Girl

Tidak punya ambisi adalah ambisi saya. Dan sepertinya sejauh ini ambisi itu sudah cukup terpenuhi. Hahaha. Sejauh ini tidak ada halangan dalam meraih ambisi saya ini. Biarpun anjing menggonggong (wow too much G's) dan ayam berkokok, saya tetap tidur lelap di tempat tidur saya setiap harinya. Yeah! Di sekitar saya orang-orang, baik yang pintar bahkan yang gagal dalam pelajarannya, sibuk mengejar masa depan dan cita-cita mereka, tapi tidak, tidak. Saya tetap tidak akan goyah. Saya tetap tidak akan punya ambisi. Saya akan tetap bergelimang dalam kemalasan dan menunggu seorang milioner mengangkat saya menjadi pembantunya istrinya. MUAHAHAHA.

Mereka mau punya ambisi? Terserah. Asal jangan seret-seret saya. Mereka bilang saya mau pintar sendiri? Terserah. Bukan salah saya kalau saya belajar lewat bersenang-senang.
Saya tidak tahu sejak kapan saya benci ambisi. Mungkin karena saya benci orang-orang yang terlalu dibutakan oleh ambisi. It's like they're sleeping with it, eating with it, showering with it, live with it. Wow that must have been devastating. Ambition is evil and it keeps sugarcoating it's followers about the real truth of the world. And what is the real truth of the world? I absolutely have no effing idea. Hahaha.

Yeah call me lazy. I am lazy. I know I am. But in my hopeless defense, think about this, what if today's your last day on earth and the last thing on your mind is your textbook? Oh oh, do you hear that? Yeah, God? Uh huh? Yeah He wants me to tell you, even HE thinks it's pathetic. Okay, you guys have a guhhhreaaaat day! Godspeed.

XOXO, Certified Lazy Girl

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Demi Cinta

Saya jadi ingat 2 tahun lalu, saya tidak ikut upacara bendera di sekolah. Saat masuk, bapak guru menanyakan alasan ketidakhadiran saya. Saya dengan semangat dan bangga menjawab "Ikut upacara di komplek pak!". Sekelas pun menertawakan saya. Termasuk bapak guru itu yang tertawa dengan sedikit sinis. Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Memang ada yang salah ya dengan saya ikut upacara di komplek? Salah kalau saya mencoba berbaur dengan orang-orang komplek saya? Orang-orang yang notabene TINGGAL dan HIDUP di sekitar saya, literally everyday 24/7. Salah kalau memang saya ingin mencoba eksis di komplek saya? Tentu tidak bukan. Sekolah itu hanya institusi. Sedangkan komplek ini adalah KEHIDUPAN saya. Masa kecil saya tidak akan berarti tanpa orang-orang ini. Mereka adalah beberapa warna krayon yang ada di dalam kotak krayon saya, yang warnanya paling terang atau kereng di antara warna-warna lainnya. Susah untuk menghapusnya. Arti mereka terlalu besar bagi saya. Saya cinta mereka. Saya cinta komplek SPS. Yeah. Oke maaf kalau kalian jijik. Saya juga kebelet eek bacanya. Godspeed.

Diambil tanggal 17 Agustus tahun 2007. Saat saya masih sedikit lebih langsing, dan menjadi paskibraka untuk pertama kalinya seumur idup. Hahaha.

Diambil tanggal 18 Agustus 2009 saat panitia 17 Agustusan '09 Komplek SPS bermain ke Dufan.

It's Official: Imma Twigeek

Yak....bagus....sebentar lagi Hanny yang kalian kenal gembrot, uninterested looking, physically weak, yeah that particular Hanny, akan segera berubah. Sebentar lagi saya akan berubah. Menjadi cuantuik luar biasa dan impossibly strong, menjadi VAMPIR. Merujuk ke istilah yang digunakan Jacob Black dan teman-teman werewolvesnya (di Breaking Dawn dibilang sih kalau sebenarnya mereka itu bukan werewolves, tapi shape-shifters, they can shift shapes to whatever as necessary, not particularly wolves only), vampires are BLOODSUCKERS. Well, NYAMUK adalah PENGISAP DARAH juga bukan? Dan nyamuk-nyamuk di kamar saya sepertinya semakin hari semakin montok, dan setelah mereka menggigit saya, saya juga merasakan burning sensation yang luar biasa (karena nabok nyamuk terlalu keras) seperti yang dialami Bella Cullen saat dia bertransformasi menjadi vampir.

Oke, BANGUN gadis gembrot yang terlalu banyak membaca Twilight!

Oke saya percaya memberi makan yang kelaparan membawa pahala sehingga saya pasti akan masuk surga setelah "memberi makan" nyamuk-nyamuk kelaparan itu *sigh*. So until then, let's talk about Twilight one mo' time! Yeah! Haha. Seakan obsesi saya akan Twilight The Movie belum berakhir, sekarang saya jatuh cinta pada bagian terakhir dari saga vampir itu, Breaking Dawn (artinya subuh yang merekah bukan sih?). Deskripsi Stephenie Meyer akan setiap adegan terasa nyata dan mendetil. Dari setiap deskripsinya saya bisa merasakan pesan moral yang ingin dia sampaikan (jadi inget masa SMA, bikin sinopsis mesti pake pesan moralnye), yaitu immortality worth an expensive price. It is worse than dying. But even if it means you have to live through eternity with the one you love, it'll all worth the while. Caelah..dalem bener ye kan, I love you forever, LITERALLY, FOREVER. Prikitiiiuuuwww!
Siapapun yang membaca perasaan dan emosi saat menjadi vampir lewat sudut pandang Bella Cullen pasti akan merasa 'kepengen'. Saya yakin itu. Jika dengan menjadi vampir berarti memiliki kekuatan super, badan yang tiba-tiba sempurna tanpa cacat, penglihatan yang tiba-tiba membuat dunia lebih indah dari biasanya, dan berkah bakat a wonderful self-control seperti yang dimiliki Bella, maka saya akan mengambil kesempatan itu tanpa berpikir tiga kali. Mungkin dua kali saja cukup. Haha. Jika vampir benar-benar ada, maka saya akan mencari pacar vampir saja. Namun saya tidak percaya mereka ada. Saya tidak percaya pada apa yang tidak pernah saya lihat. Berarti saya tidak percaya Tuhan juga dong? Wow itu rahasia. haha.
Ya ya oke saya ini Twigeek. Namun saya yakin di luar sana banyak Twigeeks lainnya yang lebih impossible dan difficult daripada saya. Maksudnya dibilanginnya lebih susah, lebih ngeyel, lebih tergila-gila sama Edward Cullen daripada saya. Haha.
Saya sendiri sih pribadi lebih ngefans sama Jacob Black. Saya percaya dia pria yang lebih baik untuk Bella. Seperti yang Jacob bilang sendiri di Eclipse, "He's your drug, I'm healthier for you. I'm your sun." Ya Jacob lebih sehat untuk Bella dibandingkan Edward yang seperti kokain, bikin nagih dan nagih dan nagih. Dia matahari yang selalu ada saat Bella butuhkan. Tapi ini salah satu pesan moral lagi (atau mungkin curhat colongan?) yang Stephenie Meyer coba selipkan di dalam karyanya. Cinta itu BUTA. Hahaha. Memang harus buta kawan. Tapi biasanya orang buta memiliki indra-indra lain yang lebih kuat bukan? Lihat saja Daredevil. ;P

Merujuk kembali ke istilah vampir itu sendiri, saya ingat dulu saya pernah baca di Bobo sewaktu SD, vampir itu ternyata beneran ada, maksudnya istilah vampir itu ada based on manusia beneran. Dulu di Eropa, keluarga bangsawan dan kerajaan yang memiliki hubungan darah sering sekali kawin ataupun mengawinkan anak-anak mereka. Pernah belajar biologi di SMP kan? Saya sendiri tidak pernah belajar biologi saat SMP. Saya percaya saya itu sleepwalking dan ngigo dulu sepanjang SMP dan entah bagaimana karena beruntung saya dapat lulus pelajaran biologi SMP. Ya pokoknya entah bagaimana, manusia yang memiliki hubungan darah itu tidak boleh melakukan hubungan perkawinan. Nanti ada kromosom atau gen apa gitu, yang jika menyatu dapat menyebabkan penyakit albino pada keturunannya. Nah jadi di Eropa dulu mungkin banyak banget orang albino, dan muncullah istilah vampir. Penghisap darah yang tidak pernah keluar pada siang hari. Ya iyalah bangsawan kok pucet, jadi dulu pada malu deh keluar pas siang-siang. Tamat. Yeah! Pintar kan saya. Makanya dulu waktu kecil baca Bobo dong, jangan main layangan mulu. Gosong deh tuh otak.

Yak mungkin segitu dulu deh, sebelum terlalu banyak Twigeeks yang mungkin bakal mampir kemari karena ngegoogle "Edward Cullen naked", atau "Kristen Stewart naked" <---- sengaja bener, biar blognya rame ye mbrot? Hahaha.

Sebelum pergi jangan lupa saksikan New Moon, di bioskop-bioskop terdekat kesayangan anda, tanggal 20 November 2009. Godspeed.

Taylor's too hot, I can fry eggs on his chest (Hahaha cheesy to the max!)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Come One Come All

Not so title-related post. I just miss My Chemical Romance. Haha. Yeah I miss those make-up waring emo-screaming boys. At least they can wear makeup and still look like a man. I hate wearing makeup. Besides from the fact that wearing makeup covers up some good ol pimple scars of mine, but still, I often end up lookin like a freakin drag queen instead of a gorgeous beauty queen. With my strong hard lips line, thick wormy eyebrows, mushroomy nose, it's not easy to have a good woman look after applyin makeup. It's not something that should be expected either hahahaha. So I'm pretty sure last sunday, on my brother's wedding, I'd ended up lookin like an old transgender hag on most of the picture taken that day. Hahaha. Okay enough with the bitching and moaning.

So what is up around these days huh folks?? Let's see..
JW Marriot and Ritz Carlton got bombed and turned out it wasn't Noordin M Top all along inside that little house in Temanggung, it was Ibrahim instead...

Marshanda uploaded some pretty mentally sick videos on her youtube account and erased em a few hours later....Impulsive cowardly act Marsh, didn't say it'll do good for your career, but hell your parents still have tons of money anyway huh. After all Paris Hilton got famous for makin a sex video, why can't you be so too for makin videos of you on a high? You don't exactly need special talent on those specialties. Even a 5 year old can do as good as you do.

Mbah Surip died. Folowed by the person who arranged his funeral, WS Rendra. And there they went all the "Tak Gendong" jokes scattered round on facebook, twitter, msn, etc.

Bella Cullen carried the blood and flesh of Edward Cullen and died in the delivery process. Edward changed her and they all live happily ever after with their cute baby girl Renesmee. And not to mention future son-in-law Jacob Black. Yeah sorry, I'm officially a Twilighters now. Breaking Dawn is just so cool, I was reading half the book 4 hours nonstop to find out what happens next with The Volturi and all.

What else what else? Geez I just realized that I really really have to decrease internet-related activities for a while and start watching some tv for God's sake. I found out about all of those stuff above from the internet (Even I couldn't help but to google the summary of Breaking Dawn first before finished off the book). Not like it's a bad thing, finding out stuffs from the internet, but I've barely watch or see the "real" news, you know, real news about people and stuff happening all around the world, world peace, third world war and all. It would be a good start to watch some headline news instead of dancing Korean videos on youtube. Yea you can see the big "L" right there, written all on my forehead. Godspeed.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

She's Alone

She is alone
She's not lonely but she's alone
She's relieved
That nobody gets to see
Just how vulnerable she can be
Guess it's best this way
Thinkin all the pain she could share
Instead of happiness
Nobody'd want to get near that
Nobody wants to be sad
She hides herself
From the man she hides
For all she knows
World would be better off without
She's not lonely, but
Even in the crowd she's alone

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Big Bang

Baru saja bangun dari hibernasi...Yak..minggu ini udah banyak banget hal-hal sampah yang gue lakukan...Cuma duduk di depan laptop, bolak balik buka twitter, facebook, youtube, google, facebook lagi, twitter lagi...SAMPAH! HAHAHA

Dan ga tau kenapa, belakangan ini gue mulai ketagihan artis-artis Korea. Buka cuma buat browsing gambar-gambar, disave di laptop.. Mending deh kalo gambar artis cowo, ini kebanyakan cewe. Gue gay banget. Tapi emang gue merasa lebih tertarik ngeliatin foto artis cewe daripada artis cowo gimana dong. Bukan pertanda gay bukan? Seneng aja ngeliatnya. Kok bisa ya pada cakep-cakep bener? Ibaratnya kalo gue berdiri di sebelahnya uda kayak jeruk dan ampasnya kali. Dia jeruk, gue ampasnya. Kalo foto cowo mah..basi..yang itu lebih enak liat aslinya. Hahaha. Buka youtube..yang dicari juga artis-artis Korea lagi....huanjeng...kenapa oh Tuhan, kenapa??? Kenapa saya benar-benar sampah ya Tuhan?? Hahaha. Ga deng gue ga merasa sampah kok. Emang kenapa kalo suka sama artis-artis Korea? Haram apa? Kaga kan. Ya ya ya.

Dan semakin lama gue tersedot ke dalam Korean Wave ini, semakin lama gue..hmm apa ya kata yang tepatnya. Bingung bukan, jijik juga bukan. Jadi kan ya cowo-cowo Korea ini suka sekali memakai yang namanya pakaian-pakaian dengan warna permen. Yak candy color fashion ternyata sedang in sekali di Korea sana saudara-saudara. Dulu gue mungkin akan jijik ngeliat ada lekong memakai baju dengan warna-warna yang semestinya hanya dipakai oleh permen saja, tapi sekarang I find it very...attractive.

Dulu tipe cowo-cowo gue adalah cowo-cowo seperti ini, cowo-cowo Kaukasian yang seperti ini.
Wets, jangan salah, sekarang masih. Hanya saja sekarang dia tidak semenarik these dancing-singing-candy-couloured-clothing-wearing boys.

And I know I said that a sexy man is a man who dares to confront his feminine side, but this...

This is just on a whole lot another level right? Haha. TOO feminine maybe... but somehow ini ketutupan oleh kerennya dia pas nyanyi...nari....aaaahhh..Yang ga tau dia itu siapa, dia adalah leadernya those dancing-singing-candy-coloured-clothing-wearing boys..Name G-Dragon. Those boys itself? Name Big Bang. Keep that in mind next time you see them on the street tell them I love them so. HAHAHA.

Jadi apa dong kata yang tepatnya? Tak ada kata yang tepat yang bisa mengungkapkannya mungkin.

Yang bisa gue ucapkan hanyalah..selamat menikmati Big Bang. Here 'em goes.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Before Sunrise

Conversations flow. They really do. A beautiful guy met a beautiful girl on a train to Vienna, she caught him by the eye. She kinda hooked him first by the whole thing about how as couple gets older they lose their ability to hear each other, like they sort of nullify each other, and he thought it was nature's way of allowing couple to grow old together without killing each other.

Well..that was a hook. Hahaha. Soon they were wandering the streets of Vienna, talking, laughing, and all. Ever since I read this novel Love in Prague by Judith an Indonesian writer, Eastern Europe cities have always been my dream destinations. But you know, not that goal-oriented, like researching on them history and stuff. I just dream on visiting them later. If I got the money, and If I do, I WILL spare the time for God's sake. Amazing how a single novel about Prague can hooked me up that much on Europe, than any kind of pictures, videos, or movies did. And this movie just a kind of suplementary to it all. A sweet movie about love, life, strangers, with Europe background.

The guy, Jesse, is all this American guy, bitter, but in heart I think he is someone who believes so much in love, that when it hurt him, it turned him cynical. The girl, Celine, is this free-loving, independent, sweet, smart French girl, who always has her own takes on everything.

I just..hate the ending. (Warning you for some bloopers) They could've been forever. They're clearly each other's angel and demon. But they choose not to. Over what? The fear of being depressed? Urgh. Sure they could get to know each other...lose interest in each other...but that'd be better than give the whole thing up, right? It kinda bugs me of how people willing to sacrifice so little for something they know is right and almost heaven-made.

Four thumbs up for both actors though. The acting is incredible. Well, I heard in real life Hawke and Delpy managed to become a couple, but then broke up. The word said Hawke broke up with her over Joely Richardson. But I didn't really knew. I wasn't a fan of Hawke then. Guess I kinda am now. Never thought beautiful guys would be so attractive. Haha.

I can't pick my favourite quotes. The movie itself is my favourite quote to life. Before Sunrise my favourite movie..? Yeah I guess so. Watch it to get it. Overall I give it 4.5 stars out of 5. It loses the half star for the sucky ending. Haha.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Man of The Hour: Tim Kang

I'm having a crush on..Tim Kang. Hehehe. Agent Cho in The Mentalist. Yeah I just love Agent Cho. Not Tim maybe, but Cho. The character.
He has that worried eyes. Gotta love men with worried eyes. He is Korean American. A little bit short for a man. But hey, he's stiill Asian. He is not Yao Ming peeps. Total yummy shoulders. I can see myself my head on him that freakinlishly comfortable pads. ;)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Watch Me Go Mental

Currently watching a new show: The Mentalist. Tokoh sentralnya Patrick Jane. He is not a psychic..kind of. He reads body language. Dia bisa baca semua arti gerak-gerik lo. Wow menyeramkan kan ya kalau bertemu orang macam ini. He used to make a good living, pretending to be a psychic. Terus gara-gara ngatain seorang serial-killer di televisi, si serial killer itu Red John balas membunuh istri dan anaknya. Huhuhu ;(.
Tingkah laku Jane, according to what my sister said, Ngegemesin. Hahaha. Yeah, iyuuuhh you sis. Pongah, jumawa, congkak, ngegemesin. He always acts like he knows everything and nothing can be unresolved. Well, mungkin kebanyakan orang yang memiliki talenta kayak dia akan bertingkah seperti itu. Quoting from's review, he always play with people and there's no way people can play him.
Gara-gara kebanyakan nonton ini pula, gue mulai ketularan sok-sokan bertingkah seperti The Mentalist. Once when someone asked Jane if he's a psychic, he said "No. I just pay attention". Jadi gue pun merasa ya gue semua orang juga bisa dong jadi The Mentalist. Kita udah punya bakatnya sejak lahir, but some just choose to ignore it.
That leads to my straight lame ass conversation I had with Citra one night on MSN.

hahahaha thats my gurleh tadi aku nntn ballet competitionnya ponakanku

tapi dia gamasuk finaaaal :"(

but she did great tangan dia agak kaku pas nari
huh? what do i know about ballet anyway?
you know everythin about ballet since 7 years old youve dreamt on bein a ballerina
you bought the shoes but you were just to fat to fit in a tutu dress
your mom would say you were her prettiest girl and you could be the best ballerina in the whole world
but your friends would mock you and called you names when you get into that tutu i right or what

sumpah cit lo mesti nonton the mentalist its really fukin cool

that is the crrrrrrrrrruelest thing a person would have said to me. (sumfah ini gatau grammarnya bener apa kagak

Mmkay..everybody's a mentalist. You just have to encourage and embrace the mentalist in you. Haha. Godspeed.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

So this is what it feels like to..

Get out of my comfort zone, experience the life outside the "palace", jadi orang awam hahahaha. Gue gak akan pernah ke depok naik metro mini 85 lagi. Hmm, ok. Gue koreksi. KALO GA TERPAKSA ATAU MEPET, gue gak akan pernah ke depok naik metro mini 85 lagi.
Naik 85 serasa seperti berada di dalam sebuah film aksi. Tabrak sana, tabrak sini. Salip sana, salip sini, ok you get the point. Well sebenernya kalau mengesampingkan fakta bahwa 85 hanyalah sebuah kaleng besar alumunium karatan, bukan batmobile atau bumblebee, (dan itu juga menandakan bahwa gue bisa mati konyol kapan saja akibat amarah sopir-sopir dan kenek-kenek batak yang berbanding sejajar dengan hari, makin siang makin panas) mungkin I would've actually felt really cool. Hahaha. Serasa jadi Megan Fox yang sedang menghindar dari serangan Decepticon atau Bruce Wayne yang sedang beraksi membela kebenaran dan keadilan.
Di lampu merah relasi kebon jeruk masih sempat-sempatnya pula ni metro mini berhenti adu bacot bentar sama 85 yang satunya lagi. Gue uda merinding takut disop, soalnya orang batak denger-denger selain suka makan anjing, mereka juga suka makan daging perawan manis.
Setelah 45 menit yang menegangkan bersama sopir dan kenek Batak 85 yang jaminan asoi, gue pun turun di lampu merah lebak bulus. Dari situ naik deborah kecil (gue sih bilangnya deborah jelek hahaha) sampai depok.
Sesudah naik baru tiba-tiba menyesal. Baru ingat alasan mengapa selama ini lebih setia memilih menunggu si deborah besar (deborah cantik sebutan dari gue hehe) di halte lampu merah kedoya selama satu jam++ daripada naik 85-debo jelek yang merupakan sebuah kombinasi yang lebih terjamin keberadaannya.
Kaleng sarden isi 5 saja mungkin masih lebih luang dibandingkan debo jelek di siang hari saudara-saudara. Bayangkan jika lubang hidung anda, dimasukkan dua puluh biji kacang pilus. Itulah debo jelek di siang hari. Betis gue pun sampai sekarang makin kencang akibat bapak berpeci sialan yang berdiri memunggungi gue. Ga mau kalah bener, gue didorong terus sampe mau mati rasanya. Pas dia turun pengen gue jorokin rasanya biar ngejengkang. Si kenek anjing juga ga tau diri. Ibaratnya uda masukin dua puluh kacang pilus ke lubang idung, tapi masih pengen masukin satu biji lagi. Abis itu pengen ngupil pake jari telunjuk. PENGEN GUE TUSUK PAKE CENTONG BUBUR.
Ketika dia nyelip-nyelip di antara gue dan bapak peci sialan, I COULD ACTUALLY FELT HIS BALLS AGAINST MY ASS. Untung ga pake digesek-gesek. Kasihan juga sama orang yang duduk di depan tempat gue berdiri. Perut dan tas gue literally ON HIS FACE for half an hour. Hahaha, sori ya mas-mas pembaca peta jalur busway. I heart youh.
Akhirnya gue pun tiba di depok. Misi utama gue: Nyebar proposal misa alam ke dosen-dosen FIB bareng Ka Cuni dan Sandra. Herlina sang PJ Danus uda nelpon gue hari sabtu, nyuruh gue dateng hari senin. Ternyata apa saudara2? Saat gue mau ambil proposalnya yang dititipin di Wisma SY, proposalnya uda diambil sama PJ yang satu lagi dan ga jadi disebar hari itu. WALANG SANGIT EMANG.
Intinya all those times I've spent on those two fucking barbaric buses, have been SIA-SIA. So much for mau berbuat baik untuk kegiatan agama huh? Lalu hari ini setelah menghabiskan sekitar dua belas jam syuting Happy Song + perjalanan di dan ke Indosiar, dinyolotin sama mbak-mbak busway, dinyolotin sama kenek P16 gara-gara turun pake kaki kanan (yang mana selalu gue lakukan tiap kali turun kendaraan, but everybody says kita harus turun pake kaki kiri, tapi terserah juga sih ya, kalo ternyata orangnya right-footed gimana? hahaha bener-bener maksa luar biasa lucu gue), suddenly gue merasa kehilangan semua selera humor gue dan semangat gue untuk tertawa atau apapun itu. I just want a good night sleep, and tomorrow a trip with Sheila and Janet. Godspeed.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Another Crap

I could make you a poem
I would make you a poem
By then I will be exposed
I will be naked under the spotlight
There's nothing left for me to hide
You'll see me and I'm afraid

Under the exposure I'll fall
Under the exposure I'll fall
I'll fall under your charm
And there's nothing else I could do
And I don't know what you could do

Wait wait wait a little bit longer
I'll let myself linger
In you deeper and deeper
And I will be a believer
Cause this is getting better and better

Monday, July 6, 2009

Baru bangun, mau ke depok

Wait a minute, what's that smell?'s the sweet smell of pemilu aiyt...The sweet smell of victory....and the smile on the losers' faces....hahahaha...
You know...choose right.

Gue ga akan mencoba untuk memanipulasi siapa-siapa untuk ikut memilih apa yang gue pilih. After all itu hak masing-masing individu. Akh ngapain, ga guna. Nyahahah. But remember, whoever it is that you will choose, choose right. Godspeed! Nyahahaha!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


As I'm growing up, my ear-range of music is becoming wider. If I were 5 years old and Damien Rice's Cannonball were played on the radio, I would have changed the tune right away. But now, I can listen to anything. From those cheesy Korean songs, those depressive, deep, and mellow songs, alternative, r&b, 50s, hardrock, ANYTHING. What Imma tryin to say is....hell, I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT IM TRYIN TO SAY.

Mmkay..there's this one Damien Rice's song, Delicate. When I listen to it, is kinda..DEPRESSIVE. You can say so. Rice kinda gives you that effect, both the singer, and the food. Hahaha. The song is deep, hard to comprehend, and all that depressive song is made up to be.

So I googled the meaning of the song. Well most of them are from the listeners. I was really lookin for the explanation from Rice himself, but couldn't find it. Some of them say it's about a love affair between friends..confusing affair that is denying being a love affair..blablabla..some say the word 'hallelujah' in the chorus is not referring to anything religious but to a jeff buckley's song hallelujah..but there's this one explanation that really caught my eye.

He/she said that it speaks of the intimate relationship between God and humanity portrayed. Like, the relationship between God and human beings is like a love affair, and God can be jealous as well. Hahaha. Just like my Catholic teacher said in one of his lecture. In my own opinion (look at me talkin like my own opinion really matters hahaha), it's about two people who are in love so passionately, they even might kiss when nobody's watching, they even might make love in SACRED PLACES, but somehow it's all gone. It can be whatever we want to interpret.
Well, one thing for sure, the song creates exactly the impact Damien Rice wanted his listeners to feel after they listen to this song, that is: DELICATE. Nyahahahahahah. Godspeed.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Love (Not) Actually

Been thinking a lot lately. A friend of mine told me last night to write something "genius", apparently cause I've been pretty fucking Boring with capital B lately. Ok, that was some pressure she put on me. Hahaha. Tick tock tick tock... I got to write? Politic? No..too apathetic and self-professed to write about politic... Economy? Fuck I hate numbers. Religion? Starting to grew tired of that topic. I really have no idea what I got to write here. I consider this blog as my rubbish bin. I just throw everything here without consideration. And I know none of them are genius sampah, but is there any such thing as "genius sampah"? Haha. But, like sampah, there are organic and non-organic ones, some you can recycle, some you just can't. Hehe. So I think I'll just go back at what I'm good at, bitching and whining. Nyahahah.

"Do you want me to tell you something really subversive? Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more. -Erica Jong-"

EVERYTHING IT'S CRACKED UP TO BE. Love has surely made everything cracked up. Let's not talk about the cheesy love between a boy and a girl, or a boy with a boy, or even a girl with a girl. Those are just too overrated. One's love for position and power has made one sold all one's assets for a so-called kampanye, and finally one ended up broke, crazy, in another word, cracked up. In the name of one's love for God, one sacrificed one's life and OTHERS as well, so abruptly, it even hurt a greater amount of other people as well. All for the sake of religion, for one's love for religion.
For one's love towards someone, one even dares to confront and insult one's God, saying such shallow things such as, "I don't think He really loves me cause He has always given me boyfriends with different religions." COME ON?
You may ask, does love really that destructive? Well don't assume too quickly. As destructive as it is, you will find a lot of definitions of love. My favorite definitions of love is the one in Dan in Real Life. "Love is not a feeling, it's an ability." It strucked me right ahead. It's "How much can you love someone?", not "How much do you love someone?"

One of the most classic love quotes is the one from 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7.
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy. Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude; It is not self-seeking, nor easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongdoing. It does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, trusts, hopes, and preserves. There is nothing love cannot face; There is no limit to its faith, hope, and endurance. In a word, there are three things that last forever: Faith, hope, and love; But the greatest of them all is love."

There there, my two favorite love quotes. The others are just boring, cliche, or bullshits.
So, sometimes, I just get really tired, really bored of people, including myself, asking about what love is, asking where the love is, screw all that! When you feel something, just go for it! No, no, lemme correct that, when you feel something to someone, just follow your urge, whether to love them or hate them or thrill them. Cause love is not something you feel, it's something you do. That's why we say "I Love You", it's a verb! Yeah!
Got tired already. Godspeed.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ayam Penyet ♥

Anak (A): (baru pulang dari kampus, masuk ke kamar ibunya) Mooommy!!

Ibu (I): Oi.. tadi siang makan apaaa?

A: Ayam penyet..♥ Enak banget maaa, aku kangen banget deh sama sekolah..Taon depan aku mau SP ah! ♥

I: Sini..sini..mama juga kangen sama Anak..Anak kalo liburan di atas terus sih..

A: (baru hendak menyahut)

I: (suara si M pun mulai mengawali acara debat capres, ibu mengangkat tangan menyuruh anak diam) Hah...mampus deh dia...jawaban ga nyambung sama pertanyaannya..abis deh nih dia kali ini...Mampus..

A: =.='

♥ baca: keadaan anak sedang high akibat menghirup udara Depok terlalu banyak.
Pffffttt. Godspeed.

Apparently I Am

My friend Caroline gave me the link to this quiz and I don't know if it is true or was it just my suggestive thought that the results seems weirdly accurate hahaha. Go ahead try it for yourself:

Your view on yourself: You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for: You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship: You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love: You have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education: Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you: You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success: You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of: You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

Who is your true self: You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Bernardine "CL" Stefani

Okay something hilarious, if not stupid, just happened. Jadi ceritanya ya kan, gue ganti foto profil facebook gue dengan foto di bawah ini.

Yak. Leadernya 2NE1, CL. I'm like, a huge fan. Hahaha. Yea yea yea so, gue cuma pasang foto itu sebentar sekitar 1 jam lah. Kemudian saat gue liat facebook, lalu berangkat ngepost award dari Rere, lalu kembali ke facebook lagi, itu kira-kira hanya membutuhkan waktu sekitar 10 menit. Saat kembali lagi ke facebook, ternyata sudah ada 11 notification baru, gue pun tercengang. Pas dibuka..jeng jeng..isinya notification dari "Are You Interested?" semua. Anjing.

Sebelas notification yang isinya "Someone clicked YES on you on "Are You Interested?" dan masih terus bertambah seiring gue membuka satu persatu foto orang-orang yang mengklik "YES" (this means, "YES" I wanna fuck you because you are such a cute Asian) on the so-called "Bernardine Stefani." Haha.

You just got PUNK'D LOSERS!! <---- maling teriak maling

The Real Bernardine "CL" Stefani. Bhakahkakhakhak.

From Rerek

Okay I got 3 awards from Rere!! Yay!! Well, sebenernya gatau sih tiga-tiganya buat gue apa bukan..apa cuma satu doang....heheheh pengennya sih tiga-tiganya...haha but whatever anyway, thanks Rere! Big smooch for yah!
So apparently I gotta tag others..Okay
1. Aya
2. Idya
3. Vava
Enjoy! Hahaha. Godspeed.

Love American Style

One of my favourite episode in Dexter season 1. Title: Love American Style. Minutes before Dex killed his victims, they had this conversation. These 2 victims are immigrants dealer and husband and wife as well.

Jorge: I love you.
Valerie: I love you so much.
Dexter: I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to answer me honestly, understand? No more bullshit. How long have you been married?
Valerie: Twelve years.
Dexter: How do you love each other? You're like me, you make it work. how?
Jorge: We want the same life.
Valerie: We want the same thing
Dexter: You share the same dream?
The Castillos: Yes that's it.
Dexter: That's, uh, helpful. Thank you.

WE SHARE THE SAME DREAM. Yeah rock on. Godspeed.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Truth is..

We put up walls to hide how vulnerable we are. We hide, we deny, we refuse, we reject. All for one main reason, to know who is willing enough to tear down those walls and really see what's behind it.
Because deep down all we really need in the end of the day is someone who we can be comfortable with in those awkward silences. Who doesn't need to ask if you're fine, he KNOWS you're not fine. Who tries to do nothing to fix you, but to "face you the reality of your powerlessness".

Friday, June 19, 2009

I can't help but go with the Wave yeeeaaahh

I've been listening to Korean songs, for hella lot. I put it on when I'm online, minutes before falling asleep, youtube their videos (and so cheesily tryin to memorize the moves), I even set Wonder Girls' - So Hot as my ringtone. At first it was all because one cheesy girly video a friend of mine posted on facebook, Gee by Girl's Generation (So Nyuh Shi Dae/SNSD/SoShi <--- See, I even know all their acronyms). So I started to google them...and the next thing I know I'm listening to all these Korean songs from other groups as well like there's no tomorrow.
Menurut gue, gue bisa suka banget karena gue ga ngerti bahasanya, jadi dengerinnya ga pernah bosen. And I don't know why but I think although there are people saying these groups are trying to copy the westerners, they seem totally fresh and original to me. They got catchy tunes..catchy lyrics..(I wish I understand what they are all saying, but still, sounds funny and catchy to me, these Korean words)..catchy moves...and all the boys are totally good looking to me ;9
So, let me introduce you, the people who are mainly on my playlist right now. Enjoy.
BIG BANG! Total eye candy. My fav: Taeyang
Super Junior. I don't know much about this one. There are 13 of them and I can't differentiate who's who. All I know is they have one catchy song, "Sorry Sorry" and elder staff from Korean airline made a parody of their Sorry Sorry MV. Funny parody, youtube it.
2PM. And they got this other group called "2AM". So when 2AM and 2PM perform together they call it "One Day." How cute is that aight?? I watched their show, I don't know the title of the show. It was one episode where each member got to pick their favorite SNSD member. Cute!
My fav: Wooyoung
Wonder Girls. Under the same management with 2PM, JYPEntertainment. Catchy tunes. No fav.
Girl's Generation. I don't really like their songs, just this one song "Gee" that I really can't get out of my head. They have antis, who called them "The Plastic Generation." Some people criticise them for being over the top cute. For me, it's totally legit, they're pretty and smart. My fav: Sooyoung.

Last but not least, 2NE1!! They're so cool, I almost regret taking the China major. Really, one of a kind. No fav here, they're all my favourites.

I could have linked all their sites and videos on youtube..cause I have, like, favorited all their videos there on my account... <---LOOOSEEERRR

But I will leave the fun to you, and let you search them for yourselves. It'll be like digging for treasures. Haha. Peace out.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


"If we pass by each other on the street, act like you didn't see me
and go the way you were walking to."

-Big Bang - Haru Haru-

Kata-kata seseorang dengan hati yang terluka. Hahaha.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The View Outside the itch went away =D Sorry for freaking out.

So, there are a few reasons why I don't like going out.

1. I'm tired of getting dressed up, trying to look nice and all. If it's legal, I would wear my sandal t-shirt paired with my gram's batik sarong to the mall.

2. I hate being caught walking alone by the people I know. That's why I hate Puri Mall. The pressure is on baby. I really wouldn't go there, unless I'm with someone.

3. The view I see outside as I sit nicely in the car, I hate it. It makes me feel spoiled, selfish, useless, weak, totally clueless. I feel like I can't do nothing to fix what I see outside the window. At the same time, it makes me feel totally grateful to be where I am right now, which leads me back to feel selfish.

People tell us to get out from our Comfort Zone. But if we don't even know where our Comfort Zone is, how can we find the way out? People say that on the other side the grass is greener. Well, not for me. I see no grass outside, just one deserted space, waiting to be taken care of.

I know I'm SUPPOSED to be all like "I gotta do something to change this," "I can do something to fix this," but that's not what I really feel. I feel helpless, really. People say I'm optimistic, but apparently I just am when it comes to the things I'm experted in, and most of them don't really need helluva skill. Maybe someday a hero will come along, or maybe the concept of ONE hero is just too absurd, maybe the truth is we need more than one to survive. Gosh, how I long to watch Heroes season 3 and Dexter season 3. Godspeed.

Monday, June 15, 2009


I just got home, take a shower, get dressed for bed, and started to feel this great itch all over my upper body. I don't know why on earth do I feel itch all over my body after a nice and supposedly clean shower, I don't wanna guess, I'm done with speculating. But you know there's something wrong when you can't stop scratching your body for almost fifteen minutes. I was going to write about poverty and all, but apparently this itch is a much more interesting topic. That, and the fact that even Einstein can't think and write about something important while scratching all over his body dramatically. God forbid!!


28 Juni 2009 nanti genap sudah 2 tahun. Is there any kind of award for this kind of act?

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Natalie, 我的双胞胎

I really heart Natalie Portman. I think she's an unique person. She's smart (she went to Harvard for God's sake), she speaks 5 languages fluently (or was it 7? dayum girl), she's effing talented, and she's beautiful. All the explanations above sound cliche, of course. Banyak lah kan ya sekarang cewek-cewek yang cantik..pintar..berbakat...dan lain-lain, you name it. But cmon, she is living the Hollywood life, for momma's sake. Berapa banyak sih aktris-aktris cantik yang bisa bener-bener bersinar dan tetap bertahan di bawah sinar lampu Hollywood, dan menjadi orang yang memiliki kepribadian dan intelektualitas pada waktu yang bersamaan? Pemikirannya pun juga sangat original. Film-film yang dia bintangin bukan film-film kentang. My Blueberry Nights, Closer, V for Vendetta (my favourite!) Garden State, The Other Boleyn Girl (my second favourite!). Keunikannya pun bisa dilihat dari pilihan-pilihan cowoknya yang menurut gue sih, ga biasa.
Gue bukan tipe orang yang menggilai seleb sedemikian rupa sampai tahu tanggal lahirnya atau warna favoritnya dan sebagainya, tapi I really adore Natalie Portman. Jarang sekali ada aktris yang keren dan unik seperti dia. Waktu itu di TV, ada iklan Project Runway season 3 dan ada si Natalie yang klipnya dimasukin ke iklan itu. Dia lagi ngomong "You're my favourite show", aw aw aw keliatan "manusia" banget! Bukan maksud gue dia selalu terlihat seperti iblis atau binatang, bukan, tapi ya lucu aja. Keliatan imuuuuuuuuuuttt gitu (oke, gue mulai terdengar seperti lesbian).
So if you're looking for someone to idolize right now, make the right choice, pick NATALIE PORTMAN, calon kita nomor 5 dari Sumatera Utara! (another desperate attempt to joke)
Jangan sampai salah pilih. Hahaha.

"Going to a party, for me, is as much a learning experience as, you know, sitting in a lecture."

"I don't love studying. I hate studying. I like learning. Learning is beautiful."

"I remember how to be a person by being around them."

"I speak fluent Hebrew and even dream in Hebrew when we visit there, once or twice a year."

"I think school is so much harder than real life. People are so much more accepting when they are adults."

"I'm always on the phone because I'm usually not with the people I want to be with."

"If you're an actress or a musician, everyone thinks you're hot."

"Ninety per cent of how you learn is watching great people. When you are surrounded by good actors it lifts your performance."

"Smart women love smart men more than smart men love smart women."

"When a guy tells me I'm cute, it's not something desirable. Cute is more like what you want your pet to be."

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I spent the last five days in St.Carolus Hospital, accompanied my sister, who caught DBD. Just her luck huh?
Ternyata menghabiskan lima hari di dalam kamar rumah sakit, dengan satu-satunya hiburan hanyalah televisi kabel, memberikan dampak yang agak buruk. I've lost my sense of direction, I've lost my night sight, and I've lost my spider sense. Oke, forgive my desperate attempt to joke. But, seriously, selama lima hari terakhir itu yang bisa gue tonton hanyalah saluran-saluran tv lokal yang berisi sampah infotainment dan sinetron (tapi aku suka sampaaahhh gyaaaaaa!), dan saluran-saluran tv kabel seperti hbo, espn, dan travel & living. Bukan berarti jelek juga sih. It's been ages since the last time I spent my days watching tv shows. I'm not a big fan on tv. Unless it's on video mode, you know, to play the dvd. Gue udah lupa sama sekali rasanya menonton tv. Perasaan bahwa lo sedang berada di dunia luar sana tanpa harus benar-benar pergi ke luar, perasaan bahwa lo adalah putri raja di kamar lo, perasaan seakan-akan lo adalah makhluk tercool sedunia, semua itu adalah efek tv terhadap lo bukan? Bukan? Oke? Cuma terhadap gue doang? Oke.
Selama lima hari, di HBO, gue udah nonton Fracture, The Mask of Zorro, Erin Brockovich, Shrek the Third, Baby Mama, The Spiderwick Chronicles. Nongkrongin Travel & Living sambil makan Oreo, berkhayal bahwa itu adalah Creme Brulee ala Francais. Gak sengaja nonton Scripps National Spelling Bee Contest (The final is on ESPN, sunday June 14th at 2.00 pm!! I am sooooo geek cooooolll) sampai akhirnya ketagihan. Nganga liat betapa cantek-canteknya para peserta lomba biliar cewek (dan langsung bermimpi jadi pemain biliar pro). Dari ngefans sama Manohara sampe rada-rada males cenderung enek ngeliatnya, seperti kebanyakan cari sensasi. Baru tau bahwa cawapresnya SBY tuh Boediono (waduh ini bener-bener busuk banget dah gue) terus cekikikan ngeliat doi senam pagi bareng bapak-bapak dan ibu-ibu lainnya. Satu kesimpulan: TV itu melelahkan! I'd be better off without it. Kalo gak hati-hati, TV itu seperti narkoba kawan-kawan. Adiktif, dan untuk menyembuhkannya kamu perlu rehabilitasi ke pedalaman Zimbabwe di mana sinyal satelit tidak dapat mencapainya.
The Mask of Zorro ternyata keren ye. Hahaha. Pengen dah punya bibir kayak Catherine Zeta Jones. Lentik-lentik gimanaaaa gitu. Terus yang pasti gue nyesel dulu pas gue umur 10 tahunan, emak gue gak pindah ke Amerika terus nyuruh anaknya ikutan Spelling Bee Contest. Seru banget coy. Nonton Spelling Bee Contest, gue serasa kembali ke masa kanak-kanak di mana semuanya serba kompetitif dan licik. Hahahaha. Dulu kalo maen monopoli, adaaaa aje yang berantem. Sip dah, masa kecil memang paling berharga jika dilewatkan dengan banyak permusuhan dan cekcok antar anak ingusan.
Mantengin Travel & Living setengah harian pun tidak membuat keadaan lebih baik. Gue selalu dibayang-bayangi oleh telur-telur yang dikocok dengan terigu dan gula, minyak-minyak yang digoreng, bunyi bawang yang ditumis...S#!%! Bisa-bisa diet gatot nih!
Mulai berpikir bahwa wanita itu hanyalah objek semata (yang selebihnya akan gue bahas di kesempatan berikutnya). Memutuskan bahwa John Krasinski adalah idola baru gue setelah beberapa kali melihatnya di The Office dan License to Wed.
Oke sekian. GBU. <--- mencoba untuk menjadi manusia yang lebih baik dengan menyebarkan salam damai pada setiap akhir percakapan atau tulisan.