Saturday, April 24, 2010

Feed me some Jit

It's been a while since my last Feedjit post.. (just check out the posts under the labels 'Feedjit' on the right bars) and I've received hundreds of keywords that people type that sent them to my page. Some of them were interesting..and yet, still I don't get why they'd ever type that, and why in the world they'd ever come across my page.

"ADA YANG TAHU GAK SIH PINSET ITU APA?" <-- ya elah..masa pinset aja ga tau sih...itu yang anak gadis pake...sebelum akhirnya dia pake

"anak gaul gogirl" <-- ngapain sih nyari anak gaul gogirl di internet segala? nih buka aja di sini dia temen gue, anak gowl gogirl abes.

"diet artis-artis korea" <-- haduh...ngapain sih diet artes-artes korea diikutin..mereka tuh cuma makan kimchi sama ketimun sepanjang tahun...sama sup ginseng lah sekali-kali...kalian kuat? mending diet ala indonesia aja deh..urapan ama lalap.

"bercinta dengan makhluk gaib" <-- again?? what kind of freak are you? seriously.

"hanny cewek idola" <-- makasih loh, makasih.

"wanitapalingcantiksedunia" <-- AGAIN, thanks a lot. What have you all heard about me sih sebetulnya? I'm not that cantik kok sebenernya, suer.

"arti gerak epirogenesa dan orogenesa" <-- nah sekarang ini, seriusan, gue ga pernah ngebahas beginian deh. I'm not that geek.

"lagu tanpa ada suara vokalisnya" <-- lah apaan dong? instrumen doang gitu? atau kayak imagine-nya Glee yang versi isyarat?

Hmm..segitu dulu deh..sampai jumpa di Feedjit post yang berikutnya! Godspeed.

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