It's really funny to see what people typed that made them end up in your site, ain't it. As for my site, it seemed like there's it's own trending topics: PUCUK DICINTA ULAM TIBA, HANNY ATALIE, CINTA VS NAFSU. Anyone care to tell me who Hanny Atalie is? Cause I just can't find her on google. (If you don't get this Feedjit post, here's a reference to my first feedjit post)
Some new inputs are in, I've taken a note to share with all of you :) Some are amusing, some are just weird.
"betis yang jelek" <--'ve arrived at the right site...I guess
"gambar baju orang gendut" <-- well thanks guys have really made my day *gloomy*gloomy*
"hanny in real life meredith grey's anatomy" <-- loyal reader spotted! hahaha
"hanny wu nude" <-- yea, but I'm not THAT myspace Hanny Wu..I'm Kevin Wu's Hanny Wu.. :D
"what does mw makan yang beda mean" <-- diiihhh..bule kampung
"range harga makanan restoran seribu rasa" <-- hmm berapa ya..lupa..sekitar 15000an sampai 100.000an mungkin
"how to live without internet" <-- sorry, but you've come to the wrong site, cause I don't know how to as well :)
"daniel hannys serial" <-- okay this is hilarious. I think you meant Daniel HENNEY'S. Duh??
"people who want to be hellboy" <-- no no, I don't wanna be Hellboy. I WANT Hellboy.
http://www.buruan/ setubuhi <-- gosh you're weird. Just go to redtube, youporn, or something T_T
"dexter "i can see their pain" <-- I see you. O wait, that's Avatar. But really, I posted about Dexter once. Really love the show.
"nci gang sawo" <-- seriously?? seriously?? hmm
"cokelat ritter halal" <-- diiih..kalo suka mah makan, ya makan aja...halal ga halal enak toh
"jurusan mana yang bagus hi atau hukum" <-- SASTRA! HI dan Hukum udah kebanyakan..jangan mau ikutin arus :P
And lastly, I couldn't help but notice a frequent visitor from DOHA, AD DAHWAH... Who might it be ya...? Hihihih well whoever you ever, I'm grateful as it is. Enjoy.
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