Monday, July 14, 2008

me wants me hellboy!!

is it weird that i find hellboy really hot?
jadi kemaren gue baru nonton hellboy di trans tv..dan setelah sekitar 4 jam menonton (dengan selingan iklan2 sponsor) i come to a conclusion. hellboy is smokin hot.
hellboy tuh ya menurut gue memiliki kriteria2 yang diinginkan para wanita dari seorang cowo idaman

1. cool. terlihat dari gerak-geriknya dan the whole "the lonely hero" thing.
2. setia. dia cuma cinta liz sherman seorang dan rela ngelakuin apa aja buat liz.
3. kuat dan perkasa. ya iyalah badannnya aja fireproof, uda gitu jatoh dari lantai setinggi apapun atau ketimpa benda seberat apapun reaksinya cuma "ouw".
4. romantis. and that brings us to my favorite quote of hellboy

my favorite hellboy quotes: pay close attention people

" i wish i could do something about this (trus nunjuk mukanya dan tanduknya) but i cant. but i can promise you two things. one, i'll always look this good (nunjuk mukenye lagi). two, i'll never give up on you..ever."

"Liz Sherman: In the dark I heard your voice, what did you say?

Hellboy: I said, "Hey, you, on the other side - let her go. Because for her I will cross over, and then you'll be sorry!"

shit man....shit! i want my own hellboy!! where are you?!!

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