Beberapa minggu yang lalu gue dapet bahan UTS dari milis mpkui_katolikfib. Bahannya banyak mampus. Salah satunya tentang Wahyu dan Iman. Dan ada satu kalimat yang menangkap perhatian gue.
Feuerbach (1804-1872) berpendapat bahwa agama hanyalah proyeksiHmm.. hening sejenak. Gue memang selalu mempertanyakan gereja. Kenapa begini kenapa begitu, tapi bukan berarti gue peduli banget sih kalau pertanyaan-pertanyaan gue itu gak terjawab. I know I believe in GOD. Always will.
manusia. Karl Barth berpandangan bahwa agama itu konstruksi manusia yang menjawab atas pewahyuan Allah. Dari pandangan itu, Boenhoeffer (1906-1942) lalu
berpendapat bahwa Kristianitas tanpa agama (religionless Christianity) itu
Dulu memang ada lowest point di mana gue amat sangat meragukan Tuhan. Tapi dengan cara-cara yang kebetulan, dengan caraNya sendiri, satu persatu (gak satu persatu juga sih, lebih tepatnya mungkin secara kumulatif) pertanyaan-pertanyaan gue itu dijawab oleh Tuhan. I will not explain further since my relationship between God and me is only between me and God. Hahaha.
Hmm so the point is, do I still believe in my religion? Yes I do. But sometimes there are things that even way beyond church's sense. Gue bukannya membenarkan pernyataan Boenhoeffer tentang "Religionless Christianity", but hey it kinda makes sense. Agama hanyalah REKONSTRUKSI MANUSIA. Wow wow wow. Hal yang udah kepikiran banget sama gue semenjak gue baca The DaVinci Code.
Yang belum baca DaVinci Code buruan baca. I think Christians harus membaca buku ini, bukannya malah tidak membaca. I don't believe that Jesus once married to Mary Magdalene. What I want to emphasize is the religionless Christianity theory. That religion is only a human's reconstruction to fulfill their needs (perhaps, who knows, history is only a compromisation between the winner and the loser).
I'm not encouraging you all Christians to convert to atheism or whatever, but I'm encouraging you to open your mind, and realise that God is closer to us than we ever think of. He's everywhere, not just in the body of the church, He's in the way we talk, in the way we behave, in the way we are. Godspeed.
1 comment:
I'm not encouraging you all Christians to convert to atheism or whatever, but I'm encouraging you to open your mind, and realise that Gos is closer to us than we ever think of.
love this. and this occurs for all religion.
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