Saturday, April 25, 2009


Ok so this is what addiction feels like. You're getting used to it. When it's not around you'll start scratching your nails to the wall like a starved puppy. When you can't get it you will try EVERY way possible to finally get it to work again. Ways such as: restarting your computer for you don't know the thousandth times, shut it down and turn it on again, install the new version of adobe flash player. But still, after you have tried all the ways mentioned above, it stands still.

Hmmmpppffftt. Okay so now I'm trying to forget the fact that Restaurant City is undermaintenance AGAIN (like for a millionth times already this month) and try to focus on other things. I mean that's what junkies do, right? Chain smokers chew gums, alcoholics drink milk (do they really? mind my sotoy analysis), RC junkies write new posts on their blog, ranting about how it is going undermaintenance again.

Okay...focus...focus...happy things..happy moments..taste of warm vanilla caramel milk...smell of puppy's we gooohh

I'm gonna review my movie of the week: Knowing. Let's get aside the fact that Nicolas Cage has never really been my favorite actor in the world, well, but he portrayed a good exhausted single parent who is also a whatever-it-is (it could be astronomy, it could be geography for all I know) professor in a university.

The movie was quite long, and I really enjoyed it. Except for the last 15 minutes T_T. Okay prepare for some bloopers here.

I was so excited at the beginning of the movie where the little girl, Lucinda, started to write down numbers for the future instead of drawing picture like her classmates did. I was expecting some ghosts action. Hahaha. Lucinda's piece of numbers is found 50 years later by Cage's son, Caleb, and just out of boredom/curiousity, Cage started to check and recheck those numbers. Apparently the numbers are prophecy for the accidents that has happened in the last 50 years. Well one by one started to become leads to the doomsday.

I was not too pleased by the visuals.
First, the angels (I guess they supposed to be angels since they come to pick up Caleb and Abby, who turned out to be The Chosen One, to start over the human race) looked like demons. With their pale faces, and black cloaks.
Second, the "boat" that took the chosen one to the new planet, kinda look like an alien spaceship instead of a heavenly train.
Third, I really can't stand the overrated backsound.

Overall, it was a cool movie. Made me think. What if tomorrow is The Doomsday? Where God supposedly will fulfill his revelation, the judgment day. When that fire came, I would probably be burnt forever. What has to be done so I could understand His revelation? I KNOW I'm not ready. I have not ready. Have you? Godspeed.

P.S: TV Series wishlist for now, TRUE BLOODS. ;)

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