I am quitting on meats. Sounds like bullshit? Yeah, maybe, cos it is. Haha. I just read Vava's post about dog butchery, and I thought "Okay, I will never eat dogs." Gambar-gambarnya bikin kasian. Gak nahan. Well maybe gue gak akan kasian-kasian amat kalau gue ga sayang anjing. Tapi gue punya anjing, terus gue bayangin si Shiro disembelih. NO!!! $#%*#^#!%! I'd rather hurt than to see my dog hurt (haha ini mungkin omong kosong belaka).
But then I thought again "If I don't eat dogs, but I'm still eating other meats anyway, so what's the point? I'm still indirectly involved in another kind of animal slaughtery." Okay sometimes my mind goes a little bit too off, but hey that's the fact. I would love to quit meats, I do. But hey, who can beat the crunchy taste of pork ribs? Empal goreng? Ayam kremes? Bakso rudal? Shoot!!! Imagining those animals are slaughtered and skinned, just as heartbreaking as the thought of me living with no pork ribs or ayam kremes. Yeah..I know..I know.. it's such a shallow and selfish of me to think so...huhuhu. Well at least I don't eat dogs! Godspeed.
my baby shiro =]
hey, i was a vegetarian lho wkt smp. i just didn't agree in animal slaughter. but then i realized god created them for us to eat anyway. teehee. but trust me, if you want to start becoming a vegetarian for the animal's sake, it's not going to be that hard. cause you have a purpose in the first place.
i'm a vegetarian again. but this time it's for a different reason. haha
hey2..me too..former vegans..
well, i wouldn't say that it was easy..becoming a vegan and all..
i had it goin for 3 years until..I could no more resist the temptation of KFC..haha
damn..what the hell with those secret recipes..
Colonel Sanders totally rocks..
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