Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Sekilas Tentang Euforia AFF
Oke pertama-tama, mari bahas tentang laser. Ha, saya senang sekali malam ini, di final AFF Indonesia vs Malaysia, tertangkap oleh kamera, seberkas sinar laser hijau yang menyorot muka Fahmi. Hey, itu berarti, ya suporter kita di pertandingan malam ini sama saja kotornya dengan suporter Malaysia di final leg 1 sebelumnya.
Kedua, Indonesia kalah di leg 1 karena laser? Hey, lihatlah! Lihatlah Khairul Fahmi yang tetap berhasil menjaga gawang Malaysia dengan sepenuh tenaga sampai titik terakhir tanpa mengeluh apapun perihal sinar laser yang saya yakin terus menyoroti mukanya. Itulah mental final yang saya bicarakan waktu itu. Saya tidak tahu tentang mental juara, tapi yang pasti saya tahu mental final. Itulah mental final yang sebenar-benarnya. Fokus, lapang dada, tidak manja. Buktikan bahwa tim memang pantas berada di posisi final saat ini. Tidak, sekali lagi, saya tidak menghina anggota tim Garuda dengan mengatakan mereka adalah kebalikan dari segala sesuatu yang saya katakan tentang Fahmi tadi. Yang saya permasalahkan adalah logika kalian yang patut dipertanyakan. Kalau nasionalisme berarti harus bertindak dan berbicara tanpa logika seperti yang kalian lakukan, membangun suasana destruktif dan ricuh untuk timnas yang, hey by the way, juga saya cintai loh!, maka lebih baik saya tidak ikut-ikutan jadi nasionalis. Mencintai timnas bagi saya adalah memberikan kritik yang konstruktif, memuja mereka tanpa memanjakan. Mereka juga manusia yang perlu diberitahu jika berbuat salah. Bukan mental timnas yang saya pertanyakan, tapi mental kalian.
Ketiga, marilah kita coba, meskipun sangat berat rasanya, untuk mengambil hikmah dan nilai positif dari kekalahan kita malam ini, ini berarti bahwa: TIMNAS INDONESIA BUKANLAH JAGO KANDANG. Buktinya main di kandang sendiri toh tetap kalah. Yang juga berarti kita harus mengakui kehebatan timnas Malaysia. Oke jika kalian mau saling menghina tentang kebudayaan negara masing-masing, atau membuat puns
yang menyebalkan tentang bahasa masing-masing (meskipun hal ini juga selalu membuat hati saya sedih sekali), tapi saya mohon, jangan merusak nilai-nilai sportifitas yang dijunjung tinggi oleh dunia olahraga, dan nama baik bangsa kita!
It goes the same to you as well, Malaysian suporter. Shame on you, shame on that laser stunt you pulled on us! Your team could've won fair and clear without any laser, but you chose the other way. Shame on you, supporters. But then again, Khairul Fahmi has proven that laser is not an obstacle in becoming a champion. Glass raised for Indonesian and Malaysian national football team. I love each and every member of my national team. And to Khairul Fahmi, you got a bright future ahead, lad. Seriously.
Okay. That's a wrap. I'm gonna quote AADC one more time, "Kalau emosi mengalahkan logika, terbukti kan lebih banyak ruginya?" *terus di latar belakang, Nicolas Saputra mesem2 malu* Godspeed.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 19, 2010
Day 10: 10 Random Things I Remember From School
2. At break time, sometimes I followed friends around and snatch their snacks. Ha. *smirk
3. Class meeting was the time I was really waiting for in the whole semester.
Besides that, I don't remember anything much. What I remember now is how much I hated it, and how relieved I was to get out of that little circle of "eh elo lagi elo lagi" and got to go to UI. It was and it is now still the most amazing chance I'd ever got.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
A Wisdom from Ujang
FTV yang waktu itu paling saya suka, sekaligus FTV pertama yang waktu itu ditayangkan di AnTV adalah Ujang Pantry yang dibintangi Ringgo Agus dan Dina Olivia. Ceritanya tentang Nadine si cewek kaya yang got knocked up by Ujang si pengurus pantry ini.
Ceritanya lucu, ringan, dan aktingnya bener-bener ga bikin alis mengernyit mempertanyakan kewarasan diri sendiri. Ada satu kalimat yang menyentil waktu itu. Saat Ujang berusaha minta maaf kepada Nadine, setelah berulang kali, dengan menyebalkannya menyakiti hati Nadine, teman si Nadine pun mengusir si Ujang gebleug ini, sambil berkata:
"Nadine tuh orang kaya. Tapi dia ga pernah sombong sama kekayaannya. Tapi kamu?? Kamu selalu sombong akan kemiskinan kamu!!"
Saya pun langsung merasa tersentil. Pernah ga sih merasa kayak Ujang ini? Selalu berkoar-koar tentang kelemahan kita demi mendapat, entahlah, dibilang rasa kasihan juga bukan..rasa simpati juga bukan..telkomsel juga bukan... *eyaaaaa
Contoh: "Iya tahu deh..saya mah orang kayak kamu, kaya. Udahlah ga usah deket-deket saya lagi."
Setelah dipikir-pikir, iya sih. Ngapain sombong dengan kemiskinan kita? Intinya? Moralnya? Auk deh, cari aja sendiri, udah gede ini. Godspeed.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Feedjit Post #5
Let's see what you guys been typing
"Orang gendut pake jas" --> .....maaf google saja Harry de Fretes atau Ruben Studdard -_-
"Celana high waist di Indonesia" --> saya punya banyak celana high waist loh. Tapi daleman aka granny panties. Mau?
"Empal gondrong" --> sorry, di sini empal bonding.
"Gue chinese" --> toss dulu dong.
"Gaya vintage itu seperti apa?" --> gaya vintage itu adalah ketika kamu pergi ke mal dengan menggunakan baju bekas ibu atau nenek kamu. Atau ketika kamu pergi ke mal dengan ibu atau nenek kamu.
"Apa cinta itu pasti napsu?" --> saya tidak tahu dengan kamu, tapi kalau saya sih iya.
"to show how vulnerable im not" --> Dexter fan spotted! Toss dulu dong.
"hanny+coi" --> so..hanny coi? Saik banget
"gaya ngedate orang bule" --> biasanya mereka ngedate di dalam mobil atau di atas motor. Mencari tempat yang gelap, biasanya kalau di deket rumah saya, itu di belakang CNI. Lalu mereka pelukan sambil makan nasi goreng. Oh wait. They're not bule. Tapi kok hampir sama ya gayanya.
"jangan dibutakan oleh ambisi" --> setuju! lebih baik dibutakan oleh bleachingan rambut bisma karisma!
Sekian dan sampai jumpa di Feedjit post selanjutnya! Godspeed.
Survive the Fear Factor
Pernah merasa bingung ga sih, "Sebenernya gue kuliah ini buat apa sih?," "Sebenernya ini yang lagi gue pelajarin apa sih? Wtf sih?" Pasti semua orang minimal sekali pernah mikir kayak gini. Gue termasuk orang yang di detik ini pun sedang berpikir seperti itu. Apalagi denger selentingan2 dari beberapa alumni, "Toh ntar pas lo kerja juga ga bakal kepake. Tenang aja."
Oke oke, itu nanti. Tapi sekarang, toh tetep, gue harus melewati semua mata kuliah asem ini.
Setiap kali buka buku Cina klasik, pikiran gue pasti langsung asem. Pertanyaan "Apa sih ini?" bukan lagi hanya bermajas hiperbola, tapi sudah masuk ke ranah harafiah. Bener-bener nanya dengan khusyuk dan khidmat, "Apa sih ini, Tuhan?" Atau ga usa Tuhan deh, "Apa sih ini, PAK?"
Dan pertanyaan ini benar-benar coba gue jawab dengan sepenuh hati. Jawabannya adalah: Ini bahasa Cina klasik. Eyaaaa basi. Lalu dengan menyambungkan dua komponen bahwa (1)Ntar pas kerja ini ga bakalan kepake, dan (2)Ini bahasa Cina klasik, sebenarnya banyak kesimpulan yang bisa gue ambil, tapi hanya satu yang mungkin paling kereng di otak gue: Inilah idealisme. Iya lah, orang-orang yang bersedia nuntut ilmu demi ilmu kayak Rancho di 3 Idiots, mempelajari lebih dalam tentang bahasa-bahasa yang dipakai leluhur-leluhurnya, kalau ini bukan idealisme, maka saya tak tahu lagi apa itu idealisme. Halah.
Setiap kali liat teman-teman seangkatan gue berjuang nerjemahin ini itu, listening ini itu (dan ketika bilang 'teman-teman seangkatan' seakan gue ga termasuk di dalamnya, ya benar, gue memang ga termasuk di dalamnya, karna perjuangan gue lebih di dalam hati dan di saat gue bersujud menghadapNya hahaha), celetukan itu muncul lagi di kepala gue, "Toh ntar pas kerja ga bakalan kepake." Oke, satu: siapa tahu kerjanya emg jadi translator jadi bakal kepake, dua: ya mgkn juga sih, tapi sebenernya ada manfaatnya juga loh.
Ngelihat mereka yang sering banget begadang hampir ga tidur, jadi kepikir bahwa: sebenernya yang mau dilihat bukan nilai kita pada akhirnya (oleh siapapun itu, bukan dosen doang), tapi survival ability kita. Bisa ga sih kita survive dari tantangan-tantangan artifisial semacam ini (ya, maaf, menurut meteran arogansi saya kuliah itu artifisial, tantangan sebenarnya ada di dunia kerja nanti). Kalau tantangan-tantangan yang begini saja kita ga bisa lewatin, apalagi nanti tantangan yang lebih besar di dunia maya? Eh, nyata maksudnya.
Lama kelamaan gue makin merasa kuliah ini makin kayak Fear Factor aja. Bisa ga kita overcome rasa takut kita, dan mengolahnya menjadi suatu output yang baik, yaitu sikap positif kita ga peduli betapa buruknya pun nilai-nilai kita, atau mungkin menjadi suatu result yang lebih baik, yaitu selamat melewati semua 'faktor ketakutan' yang disediakan. Sampai jumpa di Fear Factor selanjutnya! :D
Lucifer Unyu
Can I pull off Taemin's haircut? I don't think so..ha. Will I ever found anybody else as breathtakingly handsome as Minho? I don't think so..
Dan terima kasih Tuhan atas mulai mendingnya outfit SHINee, dan mulai jelasnya tujuan video mereka, terima kasih mereka sudah ditarik dari jurang Ring Ding Dong dan lebih diarahkan lagi ke konsep mereka circa Replay (Hello sukses bikin mata saya kreyep-kreyep <-- bukan kriyep-kriyep ya). Meskin bukan Shawol, tapi aku tetep cinta SHINee. Go SHINee! Godspeed.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Day 9: A Random List
Vampires have haunted literature, art and folklore since the dawn of mankind. Stories of vampirism can be traced as far back as biblical times, with Lilith the first rumored vampire. The term vampire did not become an everyday superstition, and fear, until the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe. Was the belief in vampires considered some type of mass hysteria, since numerous countries all had their own form of blood suckers, from the Russian Vurdalak to the Romanian Strigoi? Or are there other explanations for the myths?
8. Stake Through The Heart

Staking a vampire through the heart has been the most popularized method of extermination. Many different countries show references to driving a stake through the heart as well using specific woods to get the job done. Certain types of wood have tied symbolism to Christianity, such as Ash, Blackthorne, Maple, Hawthrone, Buckthorne and Aspen. A stake was driven through the chest cavity to ensure deflation of a bloated corpse, so it would be deflated before its transformation into a revenant was complete. Groans were reported to escape the “vampire’s” mouth when the chest was either pushed on or staked. Gasses trapped in the stomach, intestines and esophagus escaped and pressed against the vocal chords when the pressure of staking was applied.
7. Bats

In Romanian folklore it was thought that a bat, insect or other flying creature that passed over a corpse, could turn it into a revenant (a corpse that returns from the grave). In fact, bats are much like vampires. They are nocturnal, some species drink blood, and they have an acute sense of hearing and smell. The discovery of blood drinking bats only exacerbated the vampire myth.
6. Fresh Corpses

When suspicion of vampirism fled though an area, it was not uncommon for the towns people to exhume the corpses of their loved ones to check for the tell tale signs of a vampire in the grave. Normally, a vampire’s corpse appeared fresh (not far into decomposition), the cheeks were reported to be full and rosy, the lips and mouth were red, from what appeared to be fresh blood, and the hair and fingernails of the corpse appeared as if they had continued growing. With a basic knowledge of decomposition these signs can be explained. The lack of fresh air and substantially lower temperature of the Earth below can, for lack of a better word, refrigerate a corpse therefore slowing down outer signs of decomposition.
In the case of bloated corpses, blood would be pushed to the surface of the skin, causing rosy cheeks, red lips and even blood in the mouth. When oxygen hits blood, it binds itself to the hemoglobin, causing the shape and appearance of blood to change. Because of the constant temperature and conditions of being underground, it would take longer for blood to dry up and no longer have a bright red appearance.
Hair and fingernails have the appearance of growth after death, but that’s just at first glance. When the body expires, the loss of moisture in the skin causes it to recede giving the fingernails and hair the appearance of growth.
5. Fangs

Those who were vampires were thought to have longer than usual eye teeth. Porphyria, also called the Vampire’s disease, is a recessive genetic disease that is characterized by too little hemoglobin being produced in the blood. This disease is said to have happened as a result of European nobility intermarrying. Skin complications of Porphyria include, but are not limited to, photosensitivity, skin blisters, skin itching, skin swelling, hair growth abnormalities (which can explain myths of lycanthropy), skin pigment changes, deterioration of the lips and nose, and receding tissues of the gums and lips. The appearance of someone whose lips and gums have receded would be a gruesome and frightening sight, indeed, making the eye teeth stand out. In most European countries if a child was born with teeth it was considered to be a vampire.
4. Vampire's Reflection

Another telltale sign of a vampire was a lack of reflection in mirrors. Mirrors have always held relevance in folklore when associated with death. It was common superstition in Bulgaria, that if a corpse’s reflection was shown in a mirror, or if mirrors were not covered in the presence of a corpse, then there was an increased likelihood another death would occur. It was also customary for a corpse to be removed from a house through a window, and never through a front door, as to discourage the corpse of a loved one from returning to the home to claim another family member. It was also thought that those who suffered from Porphyria abandoned mirrors from their lives because they did not wish to see their ghastly and ghoulish appearance.
3. Photosensitivity

Porphyria appears to be the prior missing tie in the myth of vampires blistering and burning in the sunlight. The bodies of those with Porphyria lack the function of being able to effectively repair their skin cells from UV ray damage.
2. Aversion to Garlic

Garlic holds classic symbolism in vampire folklore. But why garlic? Again, Porphyria is the culprit to this age old myth. Garlic contains chemicals that exacerbates the symptoms of the disease, and causes those with it to avoid it at all costs. Imagine having severe allergies and walking into a field of dust, flowers, and weeds.
1. Drinking Blood

Why blood? If a vampire is already dead then what purpose would ingesting blood have on a corpse? Although that part of the myth is left up to the imagination, blood consumption is, none the less, the ultimate telltale sign of a vampire. Porphyria rears its ugly head again. Because a symptom of the disease is a deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood, it was a common practice for those with the illness to drink large quantities of fresh blood in hopes that drinking it would provide the same effect as someone who takes a supplement to meet their daily requirement for a vitamin. Although the afflicted at the time most likely did not know the details of their disease but rather just assumed their illness was from “bad blood” so to speak.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Day 8: Top 10 TV show or TV Show Chars of All Time
I've watched a lot of tv series. Some I followed till the end (Friends, Will & Grace, Seinfeld), some I just left in the middle because of the uninteresting story (Brothers and Sisters, The O.C.) or insufficient funds (there're too many :P)
To pick just 10 favorite tv character will probably be hard, because I believe I don't favorite that many. But why don't I try instead of yapping now.
1. Jack McFarland. Because of him, I almost wished I was a jiggly gay guy :D
2. Karen Walker. She's maybe practically the other side of anyone of us that we hide in order to survive in society :)
3. Yuan Xiang Qin. I probably would never the get the feeling of crushing on the same person steadily for 7 years, and then after years of ignoring you, he finally proposed. It is amazing what she does. And she is so lucky to have Zhi Shu and vice versa.
4. Blair Waldorf. I love her clothes, I love the way she talks, I love how she has her own way to show affection to her friends, I love the way Chuck loves her, I love the way she puts on revenge.
5. Patrick Jane. I really wish he was real. But I do believe there are people like him amongst us, but will they ever be as cute as he is? Unyu unyu.
I want to stop at number five as I can't think of anyone else to be my favorite character. But it's a challenge, so I can't and don't wanna lose to this stupid, silly challenge.
6. Debra Morgan. Yeah, Dex's lil sister. I love the way she swears. Haha.
7. Cosmo Kramer. He seems like the perfect everyday Jakartan unemployed man.
8. Peter Petrelli. Basically, just because he's hot :9
9. Gumiho! She tells the truth, and she always say and do things that seems to be the perfect analogy to everything. And she isn't afraid of anything (of course, she's a nine-tailed fox, the only thing she should be afraid of is a ten-tailed fox), unless it's losing the people she loves.
10. Chandler Bing. Adorkable with dry sense of humour. I could just marry him right now.
Day 8 done! See you on day 9! Godspeed.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Day 7: People In My Family and A Random Fact About Em
Peace out.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Day 6: Ten Facts About My Hometown, Jakarta
2. People feel insecure all the time due to the high criminal rates.
3. Beggars are everywhere. Sometimes they even go door to door. Also buskers.
4. In this city, the police are the real thieves. You know what I mean. If you don’t, ask. Or whatever.
5. Goin home from work and suddenly it starts to rain endless rain? Consider yourself sleeping on the street tonight. Rain and traffic are quite the deal package here.
6. There are a lot of malls and shopping centre. Even in my neighbourhood, two giant hypermarket standing just a few metres away. In the middle, standing a huge apartment building packed with ANOTHER HYPERMARKET and a few restaurants. Totally unnecessary. The gov should build more sports centre instead. At least if we’re going down to bottomless destruction, we can do it with chocolate abs on.
7. It rains in June and sometimes it’s sizzling hot in December. Talk about global warming.
8. You know you’re in Jakarta too long when you have at least gone once to Java Jazz even if you don’t like Jazz.
9. Everybody seems to have a Blackberry. Or someone in their family does. Either that, or they have two cellphones, GSM and CDMA. The GSM might be Blackberry though. Maybe it’s just a matter of time til they create Blackberry CDMA.
10. All the teenagers have at least one legging. True story. Haha.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
25 Days Challenge: Day 5
These 10 have proven by time that they’ll always be the songs I would never get bored to listen to
1. Sara Bareilles - Gravity. Also youtube this: Kayla Kupono Addiction. Amazing routine from SYTYCD that made me fall in love with the song.
2. Adele - Someone Like You
3. Katie Thompson - It Doesn’t Hurt. Worth youtube for: Tara Jean Vincent Contemporary.
4. Yesung - It Has To Be You
5. Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me
6. Shakira - Underneath Your Clothes.
7. 2NE1 - Ugly
8. D’Cinnamons - Ku Yakin Cinta
9. Sasina - Lagu Cinta
10. Corinne Bailey Rae - Like A Star
Ugh it was so hard to pick just ten! I had to actually open my music folder to choose! This list pretty much describes me, a little bit indecisive with a little bit of edge. Ha. Godspeed.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
25 Days Challenge: Day 4
I gotta say, this quite difficult..I’ve got too much favorite movies, I can’t pick out just ten! But you know, since this is a ‘challenge’ so I guess I can slim it out to just ten all time favorites..
1. Definitely, Maybe. I looove the story to the point that I wish I’m April.
2. P.S. I Love You. The best romantic feel-good movie ever!
3. Walk The Line. I don’t really know why I really like this movie though..I’ve watched it over for like 20 times..Maybe it’s the cute southern accent. Maybe it’s the soundtrack. IDK..I just really adore this movie.
4. Hellboy. He is like my personal heroine. I know, I know..some other people maybe would’ve picked Iron Man as their fav superhero..or Batman or Spiderman or Superman or whatever..but me, I’m Hellboy’s girl forever. I guess that’d make me Hellgirl then. Haha.
5. Chicago. This is probably the best musical movie I’ve seen, if not ever.
6. Up. Cried like a baby, laughed like a toddler. Memorable and sweet, it is totally my number 1 favorite cartoon movie.
7. Bring It On. Cheesy? gotta admit it is actually a decent cheerleading movie, probably the best so far.
8. Mean Girls. Tina Fey. Enough said.
9. Twilight. Ha! No matter what people said about it, I still love it and thinks it’s the best out of the three establishments. It was kinda Ada Apa Dengan Cinta-ish if I might say, brings out the high school memories in you. Still waiting for Breaking Dawn though.
10. Knocked Up. Katherine Heigl, my twin sister. Enough said.
See, even though I watch a lot of movies from all kinds of genres, my favorites are actually the light-hearted ones. I mean, sure I like James Bond or Jason Bourne, but I wouldn’t actually bother much to watch those movies twice or more. I think you can categorize a movie as your favorite if you can see it for more than three times and still can’t get enough. And that’s what I feel about these ten movies. Makes sense enough? Enough! Hahaha. Godspeed.
Friday, September 10, 2010
25 Days Challenge: Day 3
Hmm..I gotta skip today’s challenge. I have no secrets. Or maybe I do, I’m just not telling because they’re, uhm, SECRETS. Kthxbye :)
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Yes Minwoo
Anyway, here's one of my favorite scene. I'm hooked.
25 Days Challenge: Day 2
1. I have a huge girl crush on Shin Minah.
2. I really don’t get people who doesn’t like Friends. I mean, the show is like bubbly and funny! Who wouldn’t love it? I, like, have watched the whole ten seasons three times! …O wait, wow, I had a LOT of spare times, had I not.
3. I actually love my noodles and pizzas lukewarm. Sizzling hot is just overrated. When a pizza’s lukewarm, you can actually taste the dough better, and the cheese tastes way chewier. And so are noodles. The spices taste deeper when it’s lukewarm than when it’s hot.
4. I hate shopping for clothes. It’s the most boring activity. I’d rather eat….(mmyeaaa riiiiggghhttt…*smirk*)
5. This is one thing I just realised when I started teaching..I actually love kids..only if they’re pretty. Ha.
6. I have a morbid interest on spirits and ghosts.
7. I love everything about Korea.
8. I have a really awkward sense of humour. Enough to drive people away.
9. I am not complicated. Complicated is overrated. It’s just for people who don’t know what they want and don’t know their trueselves.
10. I believe in ‘a love that will last’ too much, sometimes it’s tiresome. Ha.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
25 Days Challenge: Day 1
1. October 10th 2007. Thanks for what might have and might have not been :)
2. December 30th 2004. It was the most painful day of my life. I can never forget that day. I still remember the order perfectly and my dad’s last expression will haunt me for the rest of my life. I love him more than words could say and I can’t wait to see him again.
3. The day I got accepted at UI. It was like a dream come true. And now that I’ve come to experienced life as a student there, those moments will totally be unforgettable. I’ve met such amazing people, and loving every second I’ve spent, and will be spending with them.
4. An encounter with a pervert angkot driver when I was in 8th grade. Man, how I wish to kill him, I would kill him right away if I see him. That, if I still can recall his face. I wish him thousands of bad luck!
5. August 28th 2010. The first day I stepped my feet on Doha. So far, I haven’t got anywhere much, but these days will totally be memorable. The city and the people gei wo likai le shenke de yinxiang :)
25 Days Challenge
25 lists.
01. Five most important/memorable memories
02. Ten random facts about yourself
03. Seven secrets
04 Ten favourite movies
05. Top 10 Favorite songs of all time
06. Ten facts about your hometown
07. List the people in your family & a random fact about them
08. Top 10 favorite TV show or TV show characters of all time
09. A random list (one can be found on or
10. 10 random things that you remember from school
11. Top 10 blogs, according to you
12. Five chores that you love, 5 chores that you hate
13. Top 10 things you look for in a friend
14. Top 10 things you look for in a romantic partner
15. 10 places you want to visit before you die
16. Put your music player on shuffle, list the first 10 songs that come up
17. 5 favorite actors, 5 favorite actresses
18. 10 most important people in your life
19. 10 things that you could not live without
20. 10 favorite websites
21. 10 favorite games
22. 10 things that you love about yourself
23. 5 Favorite Foods, 5 least favorite foods
24. 10 most influential people/things/events in your life
25. 10 of your wildest dreams
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Doha Day 8
- Sometimes I really can't stand my mother's humour. It's very dry and slapstick-y sometimes. It's like when we were waiting for the traffic light in Qatar, she suddenly said "How come there's no Kopaja and Mikrolet here?" And I was like "Uuugghh, you think??," but not out loud of course. She can get so jayus sometimes it's irritating. Oh, and she also likes to mock others physique, no, not their makeups, or the way they dress, but their BODY SHAPE. She can be so condescending and mean sometimes, it's really really bugging me. You know why? Cause I'm afraid I might turn into her. Oh, God forbid.
- I actually never envy other people's faces, I just envy their body. I ain't pretty but I just never really desire to have another face. I mean I might say I do once in a while, but that could be out of flattery. What I really do desire is, a body like After School's Jung Ah. Or UEE's. :9
- I like basa basi! I think that is still a really important part in our culture, you gotta suck up to the elders! But with people my age, I just don't see why I should, but I still do sometimes anyway. It has become a habit. That's why most people I just met see me come off as someone who is difficult to approach to, but really, it was just a habit I can't seem to shake off. Kinda pretentious you may say, especially if you'd gotten to know me. Come on young peeps, be courteous and pretentious once in a's fun you know hahaha.
- Oh, and did I mention Kdrama is also my guilty pleasure?
- Moustache is a really sensitive accesory to men. It can be disastrous, but it can be gorgeous too. Hello Kim Nam Gil and Eric Dane :)
- Lee Seung Gi. I'm just not feeling him. Yet. Maybe. DK.
- What is it with Kdramas that all the girls seems like programmed to choose a bad guy over an extremely nice guy? It'd be refreshing to see the opposite once in a while, like in Hello Schoolgirl :)
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Doha Day 4
Trapped in this big apartment, just me and my mother alone, I thought about things (yeah right, like what? What wallpaper should you use for the Swan's dining room?). I saw how my sister's living in this comfy small place. I saw Ivana's facebook status. She's back to her apartment in Depok and she said 'It's obvious that I love my place.'
Will I, no, will us ever be able to separate from the place we've lived in for a long period of time? Will I later, after I graduate, be able to separate from Depok? It has been such a routine, walking to the class, hanging out at campus, eating at Jeri or Sasari, playing with Randu, Oriz, Vana, Sandra and other fellow dormers. I think it will be unbearable to be apart from all of that I don't even wanna think about it. Wait, I'm thinking about it now. Yeah yeah. I haven't even graduated for God's sake. Haha. One thing for sure amongs everything I'm not sure about in this world is that we can't be so sure of anything. Of course I will be able to separate from Depok. I won't die cause of it, I'll live. But to know that I even doubt it is the proof that I really do care about the place. And the people. And don't forget what Paul Child said in Julie and Julia: "Home is wherever we are."
See you and take care of your heart, peeps! Godspeed.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Doha Day 3
Ya ya ya..saya sudah tiba tiga hari yang lalu dengan selamat sentosa di Ad Doha, Qatar. Dan coba, coba, ngacung sebentar, di tahun 2010 ini siapa yang masih ngira bahwa Qatar itu adalah sebuah KOTA di Arab Saudi...? Coba, coba ngacung..well, I wouldn't blame you. Because it is indeed a very small country. Saya sendiri tahu di dunia ini ada negara yang namanya Qatar gara-gara pas SD dulu ambisi pengen selalu menang Pancasila lima dasar lawan temen-temen satu jemputan, jadi dari rumah udah prepare nama-nama negara A-Z nyontek dari Atlas :)
Actually, I really hate to post about things without pics, but I don't have a decent camera, and to make it worse, I forgot to bring my cellphone data cable. I haven't really explore anything, since I'm always stuck in the apartment all day like a TKI. But I ain't complainin, cos this apartment is packed with entertainment (and fooooooood nyahahha). So far, I only been to two supermarkets, and the food were all very tempting.
With this comfy apart, 24 hours entertainment, I don't really have the desire to blog, almost at all. But I figure I gotta blog something. Anything, about this place. It's like a commitment to myself. Hope I can complete the post with pics soon. Now I'm going to facebook, youtube, and tumblr some more. Sooo..Godspeed. :)) xxx
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Black Gold Red Blood
Inmate: I don't think I like you much.
Jane: If you stop seeing the world in terms of what you like and what you dislike and saw things for what they truly are in themselves, you would find a great deal more peace in your life and I can help you with that if you want.
Inmate: I, uh... *lost for words* (Me: Owned! Haha!)
Jane: Think about it. Where's the phone in here? I need to make a call.
Inmate: Over there.
First of all, it's amazing how this show can twist such a scene. You should see the expression on the inmate's face after Jane's little speech! Ha! Cracked me up even the second time. And secondly, can Simon Baker be anymore adorable?? I find him more mischiveous and witty in season 2. He's not actually my type of bule, but this Patrick Jane charisma he's portraying? Just super cute like a bite-size Snickers!
Can I put you in my pocket please, Sir?
Janespeed :)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Into The White Night

Ever since I heard about this movie, I can't hardly wait for this movie to come out at already. It is based on popular Japanese mystery writer Keigo Higashino's story "Byakuyako," published first in Shueisha magazine from 1977-1979. It was then compiled into a best selling novel.
And now that I've watched it, I gotta give a standing ovation for Son Ye Jin. It is already a sin to be that goddess-like beautiful, and now this?? The movie was so intense, I felt like I had to get away from the screen once in a time. It is not the story, it is the characters that are all very well played by the actors.
Or I don't know, maybe it's because I've seen Son Ye Jin did several totally different characters, and they were all impressive. Innocent and in love (A Moment To Remember), a past and present adolescence (The Classic), a
She is one of my girl crush, amongs with Park Si Yeon. And After School. (;P) I recommend all Ye Jin's fans to watch this movie. And non-fans to watch it too, because you will be a fan after you watch this. And not too mention the hot bed scenes. Hahaha. Go Soo is such an eye candy.
Things I Really Wanna Try Right Now..
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Self-made Blindness
There are sooo many reasons of why I don't go to church anymore, and I can't even find a single one why I should. And why am I sayin it proudly and blabbin it all here for you strangers and earthlings to see? First of all, I'm not proud. It's just a fact that I just couldn't hold on to that left-me-an-empty-inside-after-effect habit that we, Catholics, called mass.
Secondly, it seems like some people have forgotten one very basic thing that we Catholics should implant very deep in our minds and hearts, something that Dan Brown once tried to implicitly explain in his oh-so-mind-blowingly-divine book, The DaVinci Code. One fact that: Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. Yeah, she was a prostitute, yet she was God's best friend. He wants people to REACH OUT to those who are in need, be INCLUSIVE, not EXCLUSIVE. If you only hang out with the people you like, people you think match your social status well, you shouldn't be proudly adding 'GBU's or 'Thanks God's in your everyday speeches, should you?
I ain't writin these all so you can practice what I preach. I don't even practice what I preach, so who am I to tell you to do so? My very underlined, bold, and italic point is that, if you're saying 'Oh this is so me' to yourself after you read all the stuff I wrote above, please stop act like your God's super holy disciple. Please stop writing out your prayers in your facebook statuses or tweets or another hey-look-at-me! websites. Please stop bringing up your church in the things you say or do if you don't even wanna befriend someone who has lost his/her faith in the Big J, or someone who hates church. Everyone has their own saying, and if you think you're really that great, then why don't you try to reach out and fix that someone?
Seriously, sometimes it's not the church or the religion that makes people blind. It's the people themselves, they took the iceforks and stab their own eyes with it.
Last thing last, I swear I'm not writing it because of one particular person, it's just out of common observations, from stories I heard, and my own experiences. No particular person intended, so don't flatter yourself, whoever you are. Read this post with an open mind, even leave a hate comment if you want. Like I care. Hahaha. Godspeed.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Feedjit Post #4!
Some new inputs are in, I've taken a note to share with all of you :) Some are amusing, some are just weird.
"betis yang jelek" <--'ve arrived at the right site...I guess
"gambar baju orang gendut" <-- well thanks guys have really made my day *gloomy*gloomy*
"hanny in real life meredith grey's anatomy" <-- loyal reader spotted! hahaha
"hanny wu nude" <-- yea, but I'm not THAT myspace Hanny Wu..I'm Kevin Wu's Hanny Wu.. :D
"what does mw makan yang beda mean" <-- diiihhh..bule kampung
"range harga makanan restoran seribu rasa" <-- hmm berapa ya..lupa..sekitar 15000an sampai 100.000an mungkin
"how to live without internet" <-- sorry, but you've come to the wrong site, cause I don't know how to as well :)
"daniel hannys serial" <-- okay this is hilarious. I think you meant Daniel HENNEY'S. Duh??
"people who want to be hellboy" <-- no no, I don't wanna be Hellboy. I WANT Hellboy.
http://www.buruan/ setubuhi <-- gosh you're weird. Just go to redtube, youporn, or something T_T
"dexter "i can see their pain" <-- I see you. O wait, that's Avatar. But really, I posted about Dexter once. Really love the show.
"nci gang sawo" <-- seriously?? seriously?? hmm
"cokelat ritter halal" <-- diiih..kalo suka mah makan, ya makan aja...halal ga halal enak toh
"jurusan mana yang bagus hi atau hukum" <-- SASTRA! HI dan Hukum udah kebanyakan..jangan mau ikutin arus :P
And lastly, I couldn't help but notice a frequent visitor from DOHA, AD DAHWAH... Who might it be ya...? Hihihih well whoever you ever, I'm grateful as it is. Enjoy.
Monday, July 12, 2010
The Winner of WC 2010
H: Eh jelasin dong, siapa/apa sebenarnya Paul gurita itu?
S: itu gurita di kebung binatang Brazil.. (<-di wikiped katanya Jerman, San) dia dari pertandingan sebelumnya udah nebak siapa siapa aja yang menang..terus pas final ini dia nebaknya Spanyol yang juara!
Hah? Gurita? Gurita idup? Yang ada di pikiran saya langsung ini....

Kebayang 'gereja' nya si Idya, Flying Spaghetti Monster. Sebenarnya saya rada jijik ngeliatnya. Terlebih kalau dilihat dari thumbnailnya aja tanpa diperbesar, Paul seperti punya muka seperti topeng Scream. Gurita emang katanya makhluk vertebrata terpintar. Sepertinya si Paul ini selain pintar, dia juga punya bakat berbisnis. Dengan bakatnya ini dia bisa cari duit jadi bandar togel!
Menurut saya sih biasa aja, ga heboh sampai bilang si Paul ini a new animal oracle segala. Manusia juga banyak kok yang bisa memprediksi hasil pertandingan keseluruhan 86% akurat. Cuma mungkin karena Paul adalah seekor gurita aja jadi dia lebih beken ( Yang jelas apapun itu alasannya mengapa si Paul sampai bisa menebak hasil pertandingan 86% akurat, yang jelas kamu beruntung, Paul. Saudara-saudara kamu sudah banyak yang saya cerna dan berakhir di septic tank. Setidaknya kamu masih bisa berendam, berenang, dan dikasih makan 2 kali sehari dengan nyaman dan santai.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Eclipse Update
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Review: Personal Taste. Totally suits my personal taste :)





Friday, May 14, 2010
Fantastis Elastis
Beberapa waktu yang lalu, gue sempat tergila-gila dengan video ini. Benar-benar tergila-gila. Hampir sebulanan, kayaknya tiap hari ngedengerin lagu ini, kalo kebetulan di depan internet pasti buka video ini, ngehafalin tariannya (yang sampe sekarang pun ga hafal-hafal, kecuali pas bagian refrainnya doang).
Sampai sekarang gue masih heran sih, "Kok bisa ya?", mungkin pertanyaan yang paling tepat untuk diajukan perihal kesukaan gue akan video ini. Mungkin karena irama lagunya yang catchy, mungkin karena si MinHo yang ganteng, mungkin karena didoktrinasi oleh Memelicrut, yang tinggal di sebelah kamar kosan gue. Yang pasti kalau gue liat-liat lagi sekarang, VIDEO INI SEBENARNYA CUKUP KONYOL. Mari kita ulas sedikit video ini.
Video dimulai dengan 5 cowok2 Sineh ini serta beberapa penari latar, yang semuanya berpakaian super lebay dengan bulu-bulu dan entah benda apa lagi itu, menari-nari di suatu tempat yang sepertinya ceritanya atap gedung yang ada tulisan Sineh-nya. Sembari menari-nari dengan seksi dan gembira di atas atap itu, sesekali ada scene mereka di ruangan serba putih, ada cerminnya, dengan pakaian serba putih pula.
Sangat tidak dimengerti maksudnya apa, jika dikaitkan dengan liriknya. Oh, persetan lah, memang sebagian besar video klip Korea toh ga ada nyambung-nyambungnya dengan liriknya. Lalu si MinHo melirik ke arah cermin, dan bayangannya di cermin ADA SAYAP MALIKAT ITEMNYA AJA GITUH. Muka MinHo pun sepertinya menjadi agak bingung (wait, wasn't that supposed to be a sexy face? he pouted his lips. Or so I thought).
Oke, setelah itu lanjut lagi menarikan tarian asyik di atas atap. Refrain lagu ini emang hook banget sih. Siapa yang ga bakal terngiang-ngiang terus di kepala, apalagi disertai dengan tarian ayunan pantat setengah lingkaran itu. Adegan beralih ke salah satu cowok Shinee di ruangan putih yang tadi. Sepertinya dia leadernya. Namanya tidak tahu siapa. Panggillah si LS (Leader Sineh). LS pun menyentuh gagang gantungan lilin, dan seluruh lilin pun menyala. Lalu ada adegan jam menunjukkan pukul hampir setengah sembilan dan jarum jamnya bergerak mundur (aaaarrrrhhhh makin ga ngertiii).
Lalu cowok Sineh yang berambut agak helm, panggillah dia si Sineh rambut helm atau SH, duduk di ruangan serba putih tadi, daaaaann dia MINUM SUSU AJA GITUH. Kalau diliat dari liriknya, bagian ini sedang menjelaskan betapa rapuh wanita yang dicintainya, terlalu gentle. Apakah ini simbolisasi terselubung dari sang sutradara? Menyimbolkan kegentlean perempuan dengan seorang lelaki rambut helm meminum susu? Hmm well, who knows.
Setelahnya adegannya begitu-begitu terus sih. Dance di atas atap, ruangan putih, dance di genangan air semata kaki, dance di atas atap lagi, nyanyi di dalem mobil, ruangan putih lagi. Sekarang yang saya ingin pertanyakan adalah LIRIKNYA. Fantastic? Elastic? Cuuuuummm oooonnnnhhh, that was like.....the catchies lines ever (akhirnya ngaku paling suka bagian ini hahahah), meskipun ya emang...aneh banget sih...jatuh cinta bisa bikin jadi fantastis..elastis..ini jatuh cinta apa kena radiasi meteor di luar angkasa? (jahaha Fantastic Four ceritanya -__-)
Beginilah bentuk seni liberal zaman sekarang. Semua bebas berekspresi sesuka hati. Tak ada yang boleh mengekang. Biarpun mau banyak orang yang bilang ga suka, jijik, toh tetep banyak yang kecantol sama hooknya lagu ini sampe ga bisa lupa selama sebulanan terus nyoba ngafalin tariannya tapi ga bisa-bisa kan? (what? huh? me? ouh please, as if... *cough cough*)
Anyhow...Godspeed! Hidup Super Jurino, Wonder grils, SDNS, dan kawan-kawan! <--- no, those are not typos, just disguises. Wasted disguises I think. Haha.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Feed me some Jit
"ADA YANG TAHU GAK SIH PINSET ITU APA?" <-- ya elah..masa pinset aja ga tau sih...itu yang anak gadis pake...sebelum akhirnya dia pake
"anak gaul gogirl" <-- ngapain sih nyari anak gaul gogirl di internet segala? nih buka aja di sini dia temen gue, anak gowl gogirl abes.
"diet artis-artis korea" <-- haduh...ngapain sih diet artes-artes korea diikutin..mereka tuh cuma makan kimchi sama ketimun sepanjang tahun...sama sup ginseng lah sekali-kali...kalian kuat? mending diet ala indonesia aja deh..urapan ama lalap.
"bercinta dengan makhluk gaib" <-- again?? what kind of freak are you? seriously.
"hanny cewek idola" <-- makasih loh, makasih.
"wanitapalingcantiksedunia" <-- AGAIN, thanks a lot. What have you all heard about me sih sebetulnya? I'm not that cantik kok sebenernya, suer.
"arti gerak epirogenesa dan orogenesa" <-- nah sekarang ini, seriusan, gue ga pernah ngebahas beginian deh. I'm not that geek.
"lagu tanpa ada suara vokalisnya" <-- lah apaan dong? instrumen doang gitu? atau kayak imagine-nya Glee yang versi isyarat?
Hmm..segitu dulu deh..sampai jumpa di Feedjit post yang berikutnya! Godspeed.
Tribute To A Friend #1
She's one of my longest friend. We've befriended since we just started learn how to crawl, I suppose. Since we were neighbours, our parents introduced us, but we started to really get close to each other when we got into the same elementary school. Long live SDN Kebon Jeruk 11 Pagi! Yeah! (how dogmatic of me nyahahah)
So the story was, she used to hate me so much, cause I was always smarter than her (NYAHAHAHA, still am bebi, still am). Nobody ever taught me how to read, yet at the age 4 I was already able to read the whole newspaper by myself (seeing how odong and lazy I am now, it's hard to think that I was THAT genius bahakhakha okaaayy enough with the backdoor bragging). So when I came to her house to play monopoly, petak umpet, or whatever it was, her mother always shove the fact that I was such a whiz kid in front of her face. "Look at Hanny, Beby! (me reading the elementary PPKn book) Try to be more like her! She can already read the whole book, yet you can barely spell a word!"
That was so 'Ha! In your face!' moment for me, but as a cute and cool five years old I managed to look as innocent as the picture of harp-playing baby angel on the cover of christmas postcard.
Growing up I also kinda hate her, but I would always forgive her. Cause then again she was my closest friend! (literally, she lives just 8 houses away from me)
As we got older there were still some clashes between us, but idk why, me and our other two friends Hilma and Ika, just can't get separated. We just can never stand it. And ever since she met this guy, subject M, I can feel the change in her. She's turned into a more mature girl, and she's got this vibe and friendly soul in her that makes people just wanna be her friend (awwwweeee me so sweet ya beb?). Unlike me, who can always see the bad in people that kinda makes me hold back from new people. She can always get me (mmmm you do, don't you Beb?), although lately we don't meet very often. I spend most of my weekdays in Depok, she's in Puri.
I really enjoyed being her friend (well of course I do, if I don't I wouldn't post something like this, would I?). I hope our friendship won't blossom like a rose because rose can be withered, but it will stay strong like weeds. You can never get rid of weeds, no matter how hard you try, unless you whip out the roots. And the roots, is in our hearts. Over our dead body! (okay Imma stop writing before it gets too sweet, it'd hurt your teeth)
PS: I actually wanted to post some photos of Beby circa 2002 when we just started out in junior high, but she has deleted hers from Friendster! Booohhooo! You suck. She had the culun bob and all. Me the masteng belah tengah hasil papan salon tante Tuti.
Friday, April 23, 2010
I mean everyone is never someone without one thing they're really good at. Misalnya, I have a friend. And this particular friend really liked taking pictures until he become very good at it, bought his very first SLR camera, and the rest followed. And one friend was really obsessed with computers and the way they work, and he learned the whole mechanism secara otodidak.
Yah, kurang lebih begitulah. I used to have an obsession. Some, in fact. But I'd never really follow up to any of it (well, accept for my weird devotion to Grey's, Dexter, FNL, True Blood, The Mentalist, etc, but I really can't say that's the thing I'm good at. Watching TV series. Yeah, how cool). The thing is, I don't really know what I am exactly good at. And no one's bothered to tell me. So I'm feeling really lame now. And fat. And lazy. And lame. I even start to suck in writing. Again, it USED to be one of the few things I'm good at.
I was also kinda good in reading. I could read a good, heavy book, in two couple hours. Now I just don't have the money and the time to read. And all books seem kinda suck to me now (mostly caused by the price nyahaha). Please please please God of Books..give us this day our daily read.... ;(
Thursday, April 15, 2010
"Apa yang lo ketahui tentang FIB?"
Hmm..FIB ya..sebuah gedung..tempat para mahasiswa/i sastra bernaung..sebuah fakultas tempat para mahasiswa/i belajar..ya bukan?
"Kalo ga tahu apa-apa kok lo bisa ikutan jadi panitia FIB Nyeni?"
Hmm...ya demi sahabat saya yang kebetulan penanggung jawab bagian publikasi acara ini...sesederhana itu.
"Wah kayaknya lo mesti belajar lebih banyak tentang FIB deh"
"Oh memang apa relevansi antara menjadi panitia FIB Nyeni dan tahu lebih banyak tentang FIB deh? Lantas dengan tahu banyak tentang FIB acara bisa sukses?"
"Wah pemikiran lo anak zaman sekarang banget ya. Acara sukses lantas panitia bubar semua bubar, gitu?
"Ya..habis mau gimana lagi?"
Ternyata kesewotan teman saya ini beralasan. Dimulai ketika saya dengan sederhananya (tidak, saya menolak menggunakan kata bodoh) bertanya "Apaan tuh MID?" Ternyata MID adalah program studi D3nya jurusan Ilmu Perpustakaan.
Kalau menurut teman saya ini sih..FIB sedang mengalami degradasi integritas. Angkatan 2006 ke atas, sekali lagi, menurut teman saya yang satu ini, amatlah erat, sangat akrab layaknya kakak beradik. Sementara mulai 2007 ke bawah mulai aneh-aneh.
"Lah lantas bagaimana dong, apa kita mau saling bersapa di jalan hanya dengan modal muka tanpa tahu nama?"
Ya justru itu, itulah yang membuat angkatan atas begitu erat. Tidak tahu nama tapi saling tegur asalkan tahu sesama anak FIB. Kalau angkatan yang sekarang-sekarang ini, tidak kenal siapa-siapa, tidak tahu siapa-siapa, udah sok-sokan ikut banyak kegiatan.
Oke ini agak baru dan aneh bagi saya. Orang zaman sekarang, kalau tidak disapa kita dibilang sombong, tapi kalau disapa bisa-bisa kita dibilang sok kenal. Mengapa bukan atas yang merangkul? Ingin merangkul nanti kehilangan wibawa, tidak merangkul dibilang senioritas. Ingin jadi kupu-kupu dibilang anak anti sosial, tapi keseringan nongkrong nanti tugas tidak selesai. Saya tidak mau membandingkan jurusan saya dengan jurusan lain, tapi jangan pernah membandingkan jurusan saya dengan jurusan lain sampai anda sendiri jago membaca huruf Cina.
Mendengar cerita teman saya ini saya jadi patah semangat, jadi selama ini usaha saya mempromosikan acara FIB Nyeni yang katanya acara bersama anak FIB UI ini cuma/kemungkinan dipandang beberapa pihak sebagai tindakan sok asik belaka? Apakah begitu?
Mungkin ibaratnya kalau di The Sims, game favorit saya, aspirasi orang itu berbeda-beda. Mungkin ada beberapa yang aspirasinya Popularity, ada yang aspirasinya Fortune, tapi kalau saya sendiri sih aspirasinya Knowledge. Memang penting sih bergaul, buka link sana-sini, tapi ada orang yang bisa begitu, ada yang tidak. Ada yang bisa sukses dengan cara seperti itu, ada yang tidak. Bukan begitu bukan?
Apa kata dunia?
Ah sudahlah, maaf kalau ada beberapa perkataan saya yang menyinggung hati, sudah jam delapan malam nih sudah waktunya saya tidur. Eh maksud saya, mengerjakan tugas. Godspeed.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Quick Rant
Untuk sekedar bercerita, meskipun beberapa fakta ini kurang begitu penting dan berguna bagi kehidupan anda sekalian, jadwal gue akan penuh sekali minggu depan. Senin uts mendengar dan mengajar anak grade 9 untuk pertama kalinya (wismilak banget deh ini, I have absolutely no idea about teaching), selasa uts menulis, rabu deadline karangan bahasa cina tentang kebiasaan suatu suku (thanks so much Bu Uti, thank u so much. For NOTHING -__-) dan presentasi kelas filsafat tentang Darwin (ya , lagi-lagi presentasi tentang Charles Darwin setelah sebelumnya kami disuruh mereview film Darwin sebanyak 7 halaman. Dosen saya yang satu ini memang hardcore Darwinis. I wonder, if Darwin ever go out with his hair wet like my dosen does. Nyahaha), kamis ujian berbicara, dan jumat...I had no idea about what friday is. Mungkin akan presentasi sejarah cina kontemporer, tapi entahlah. Guru sejarah gue yang sekarang adalah guru termetal yang pernah gue miliki <--- grammar bahasa Indonesia macam apa ini. Yeah he is metal and I won't tell you why. It's too public here *smirk*. Okay I'm sorry for the whole nyampah. Sometimes when I got too much assignments, or list of things to do, I feel better if I write them down somewhere.
And me, bothering to explain to you my whole week schedule, which I believe some of you might find it not busy at all (you know I'm always busy any other day..not just next know..I do things know other stuff *pick nose*), will finally lead to the reason why I wrote this post. I just need to break out from the routinity. Yeah, writing post for my blog is far from a routinity for me. It's a blessing for me to even had the slightest thought to write. I'm a worn-out writer, yes I am.
I have a project on this blog and Imma post it real soon. DitUn99u yApHz tMend2qUw. Godspeed.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Random Pics


Yea....reaksi saya dan teman saya Randu adalah "........". Bagus sekali kreatif! Hahahah. Akan saya coba dengan warung mama saya kelak.
Random: You know this amazing So You Think You Can Dance Canada season 2 third winner, Jayme Rae Dailey? Found her on facebook, and wrote this on her wall.

Saturday, February 20, 2010
Absurd Sleepy Moi
By having seen and read the bitter, has turn me into it as well. Anyone got the recipe to stay sweet even after you've seen all the worst come to life? (didn't actually happen to me, I just know for a fact that, it's sad that we don't even know why we're here).
I've got a lot of saying on a lot of things, but see, I've found out what we humans is most afraid of. To be disliked. We always try to be nice, say things we don't even mean, talk to people we don't even wanna be around with, just cause we want people to like us a little bit more. Is that really our nature to be so?
On a philosophy class, I had to read Darwin and Plato. To read two totally different theories, from two well-opinionated persons, shook me up a little bit. When I say a little bit, I really mean a little bit. I have lost my faith in church for a long time before I read Darwin or Plato, it has nothing to do with reading them. I think those two perhaps were just on a high when they wrote their theories. What's shook me up is their way of asking. So absurd, almost naive, like there are no limits. I start to ask petty rhetorical questions, things I know I will never have the answer. Because just like what Plato referred, I don't really know what it is that I'm looking for. I won't even notice if I have found the answer, cause I don't know what the answer is. Ok, stop right there, I started to sound like a cuckoo. I don't really know what I know now, and my roommate really considered whether to send me to a mental institution or not.
The question is, why can't we just be satisfied with what we have now? Why do we always want more? Why do we always ask for more stuff? Why do we always look for the things that are beyond us? Such arrogant creatures, we are. Can't it just be enough to be happy, and to make people happy? That's why I like China's philosophy. Everything is harmonious. Yin and Yang. Black and white. You gotta have both, or you can have neither. Justice. The ultimate wisdom is like water. It always chooses the low area. That's why I know you can never bring me down. I may be silent right now, I may look like I accept all of your insults, teasings, your egoism, but later I won't be bothered. Cause I'm just like the water baby, the water.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
The show wowed me on so many levels. There are so many dance styles performed: Paso Doble, Cha cha, Samba, Salsa, Pop Jazz, Contemporary, Hip-hop, etc. And these contestants! Wow! They're very young, just around my age! But no wonder, most of them have received dance educations so early, before they were even 5 -__- yeah I can never compete with that, as if. Hahaha.
I really like it when they do Cha cha, Salsa, Samba, and those Latin dances. Quoting Antonio Banderas from Take The Lead, these dances are like making love on the dancefloor. H-O-T!
Kathryn and Ryan from season 6 Cha Cha
Top 16 from season 5 Hip hop Salsa
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Hidup dan Kereta
Coba lihat setengah isi dari blog saya ini. Anda pasti akan menemukan maksud saya ini (sebenarnya ini hanya tipuan supaya anda penasaran dan akhirnya melihat blog saya dari awal, berhasilkah?). Hanya gejolak emosi, entah itu emosi gembira ataupun emosi sedih, yang jelas emosi-emosi klimaks yang mampu membuat saya tertarik untuk menulis.
Malam ini saya tidak merasakan emosi apa-apa. Namun saya sedang tertarik untuk bermain peribaratan. Maka mari kita bermain.
Ambil satu kata, Kereta. Ia kadang mempercepat atau memperlambat jalannya, untuk mencapai satu tujuan. Dalam perjalanannya itu ia kadang berhenti untuk mengambil penumpang, menurunkan penumpang. Tapi tak peduli berapa banyak yang naik atau turun, terlambatkah para penumpang tercinta itu, kereta harus tetap berangkat sesuai jadwal, kereta bukanlah bis barbar yang seenaknya berhenti di tengah jalan demi penumpang. Kereta juga mempunyai jalurnya sendiri, yang kita kenal dengan nama Rel. Kereta harus tetap berada dalam jalurnya, atau tidak ia akan celaka. Mencelakai dirinya sendiri, penumpang-penumpang yang ada di dalamnya, dan juga penduduk-penduduk sekitar akan terkena imbasnya jika kereta itu sampai keluar dari jalurnya.
Kita itu KERETA, hai kawan, para remaja. Kadang kita beruntung, kadang kita sial, namun tujuan kita adalah satu, yaitu _______ (anda isi sendiri bagian kosong ini). Dalam kehidupan kita yang tidak kita tahu seberapa lama ini, kita berjumpa dengan berbagai macam manusia, segala macam jenis dan sifat akan kita temui. Jika kita cukup beruntung, kita akan berjumpa dengan orang-orang yang setia dan pengasih, yang bersedia ikut kereta kita ini sampai ke tujuan akhirnya. Jika kita cukup sial, kita akan disakiti, atau juga akan menyakiti, tapi hidup tetap harus berjalan, kereta ini tetap harus berjalan. Kadang kita, sebagai kereta, karena kesalahan teknis, salah mengira stasiun yang hanya sekedar tempat pemberhentian sebagai stasiun tujuan akhirnya. Itulah sulitnya bagi kita, para kereta muda, sulit membedakan mana yang stasiun cuma mampir, mana yang stasiun tujuan akhir. Kita juga dituntut untuk tetap berada di jalur kita, di REL kita, karena jika kita membelot dan mengambil jalur lain, tentunya akan ada pihak-pihak yang tersakiti, yang paling parah adalah jika kita sendiri yang hancur.
Malam ini mungkin saya sedang bertutur, mungkin saya sedang melantur, namun yang pasti akal sehat saya tidak luntur. Ya mungkin ini karena karat di otak saya telah mengerak, sehingga saya membahas hal-hal aneh semacam kereta dan hidup. Siapa yang tahu penuh tentang kehidupan ini? Ketimbang bertanya, mengapa aku bernafas tapi aku tidak merasa hidup, lebih baik anda tanya diri anda sendiri, sudahkah anda membuat orang lain merasa hidup?
Friday, January 8, 2010
You ain't gonna live properly until..

My fave: Totally Karen and Jack. Their scenes never fail to amuse me. Even after watching it for the God-knows-how-many-times.







